create eth-test-account
🦄 Fastest way to get setup with Ethereum 🦄
npm create eth-test-account
💸💸💸 Get test Ether for the goerli testnet instantly! 💸💸💸
Uses the faucet at:
Generate a pre-funded test account in seconds 🚀
What is the password?
"" (empty string)
Do I need social media verification to use this?
Nope. Hopefully a thing of the past. Might need to adjust CAPCTHAs in the future.
Can I sell my test ether?
What if I lose the key?
Generate a new one: npm create ethereum-test-account
Is it possible to use the same functionality in my tool?
The API is rather simple and it should be totally possible
Take a look at faucet.js
const FAUCET_API = '' const getCaptcha = async { try const data = await axios return data catch error const response = error if response console else console process } const checkCaptcha = async { const decoded = jwt const challenge salt = decoded const response = return response === challenge} const requestFunds = async { const networkId = 5 // goerli const data = await axios return data}