Boilerplate for building your app from scratch With create-app-now you can build your site with simple template with no hassle:
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Vanilla TypeScript
- React (based on CRA eject)
- Svelte (with prettier and prettier-plugin-svelte)
- NodeJS and Express (with nodemon)
- Deno and Oak (with Denon)
- React with snowpack
- Svelte with snowpack
- Vite with its template
npm install -g create-app-now
create-app-now (project-directory-name)[-y | --yes][-g | --git][-i | --install]
can (project-directory-name)[-y | --yes][-g | --git][-i | --install]
for Vite template
can --vite
- project-directory-name: your project directory name. Default: my-great-app
- -y | --yes: skip prompts. Default: false
- -g | --git: initialize git. Default: false
- -i | --install: install node package automatically. Default: null
- -h | --help: show help instructions
- -v | --version: check create-app-now version
- --vite: get vite templates
From your favourite terminal
cd my-great-app
code . // if you using VS Code
🗒index.js | 🗒index.ts
This is the same with Svelte template
NodeJS template come with Express and Nodemon. Deno template come with Oak and Denon.
🗒package.json (only for NodeJS)
🗒denon.json (only for Deno)
The CSS file include my custom reset. Feel free to clear it 😄.