
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Create Apollo Server

The idea behind this library is to provide a simple way to bootstrap a new graphQL server instance.

Inspired by by projects like create-react-app and create-react-native-app this project aims to provide a similar service.

Unlike the before mentioned projects create-apollo-server doesn't hide the implementation and comes without an eject command

After initializing a new instance of a graphQL server all dependencies are visible in the package.json file.

All the configuration parameters are visible through a .env file that gets auto-generated and can be changed afterwards.


yarn add global create-apollo-server

Generate new GQL API instance

create-apollo-server init [project-name]

Follow instructions

cd [project-name] && yarn start

go to localhost:[port]/[gaphiql path] and start investigating the generated schema

The resulting schema is the same as the one used in the example here

Current supported configurations include

  • GraphQL API port: default (8080)
  • GraphQL API path: default (graphql)
  • Graphiql interface path: default (graphiql)
  • Add dataloader to the list of dependencies: default (true)
  • Support GraphQL subscriptions: default (true)
  • GraphQL subscription server port: default (8090) [only if subscriptions support = true]
  • Subscription server path: default (/) [only if subscriptions support = true]
  • Subscriptions engine: default (pubsub) [only if subscriptions support = true]


This is project is a living thing and it needs caring, if you wan to contribute, please do by submitting PRs, issues...

Roadmap / What's next

  • Add data source support (mySQL, Postegrsql, REST)
  • Add support for koa, hapi, restify...
  • Add specs / tests
  • Deploy to launchpad
  • Typescript / Flow
  • Improving the codebase in general
  • init-advanced, an init command to generate an instance for users with more advanced needs



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npm i create-apollo-server

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  • tosfa