Quotes you find here are from the best-loved characters in the motion pictures history!
Use the node package manager npm to install crazy-quotes.
npm i crazy-quotes
const cq = ; let type = 'Movie' || 'TV' || 'Anime'; //string//Default type is 'Movie' let count = 4; //Integer cq; || cq;//returns quote: 'Now, young Skywalker, you will die.' character: 'Emperor Palpatine' spokeIn: 'Star Wars' type: 'Movie' cq;//returns quote: 'Now, young Skywalker, you will die.' character: 'Emperor Palpatine' spokeIn: 'Star Wars' type: 'Movie' quote: 'In my experience there is no such thing as luck.' character: 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' spokeIn: 'Star Wars' type: 'Movie' quote: 'Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.' character: 'Darth Vader' spokeIn: 'Star Wars' type: 'Movie' quote: 'You’re coming with me. I’ll not leave you here, I’ve got to save you.' character: 'Luke Skywalker' spokeIn: 'Star Wars' type: 'Movie' cq;//returns all quotes matching the type passed in
Pull requests are welcome.