Let's use 👁🐍🧰itk with create-react-app today!
This is a plugin for @craco/craco.
Try it!Usage
1. Create a React project
npm install -g create-react-app # or yarn global add create-react-app create-react-app examplecd example
2. Install modules
In your create-react-app project, install modules:
npm install --save @craco/craco craco-itk itk# or yarn add @craco/craco craco-itk itk
3. Rewrite npm scripts
Rewrite npm scripts in package.json
as following:
// ... "scripts": "start": "craco start" // react-scripts -> craco "build": "craco build" // react-scripts -> craco "test": "craco test" // react-scripts -> craco "eject": "react-scripts eject" // ...
4. Create craco config file
Create craco.config.js
in the proejct root:
const CracoItkPlugin = ; moduleexports = plugins: plugin: ;
5. Congratulations! 🎉
Setup is complete! Enjoy your ITK life.🏝
This package was inspired by craco-cesium.