Modernized version of cowsay
This borrows from The cow files are the same content but instead of Perl heredoc text files they're ES6 template literals.
- No reading files at runtime. Cows are declared as static compile-time dependencies.
- Works the same whether client-side or server-side, and whether running from raw source for from a transpiled bundle.
- Leveraging modern language features like destructuring and arrow functions.
- Update to more modern Javascript style with two-space indents, single quoted
strings, and
instead ofvar
, as you might see on the Google or airbnb JS style guides.
See test/example.js for examples, but the basic usage is:
cowsay.say('What you want to say');
Or pass some options:
cowsay.say('Did you hear someting?', { mode: 'paranoid' });
cowsay.say('A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', { W: 15 });
cowsay.think('I\'m looking sideways', { e: 'cc' });
Get a demo of all available cows with node test/cows.js
, and get a demo of all
available modes with node test/modes.js
. Get a general test demonstrating line wrapping
and whitespace handling at node test/example.js
Importing cows
The above examples use the default cow file. You can import other cows and pass them in
on the cow
option. Do that one of two ways.
Import all cows, like:
let cows = require('cowsay2/cows');
cowsay('Gobble gobble', { cow: cows.turkey });
Or just import the cow you need (better for client-side bundles):
let cow = require('cowsay2/turkey');
cowsay('Gobble gobble', { cow });
Text options
: Don't do any line wrapping beyond whatever newlines occur in the provided textW
: Number of columns to wrap at (defaults to 40)
See some live example on RunKit at
< hi >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
console.log(cowsay.say("The static String.raw() method is a tag function of template literals. This is similar to the r prefix in Python, or the @ prefix in C# for string literals. (But it is not identical; see explanations in this issue.) It's used to get the raw string form of template strings, that is, substitutions (e.g. \${foo}) are processed, but escapes (e.g. \n) are not."));
/ The static String.raw() method is a tag \
| function of template literals. This is |
| similar to the r prefix in Python, or |
| the @ prefix in C# for string literals. |
| (But it is not identical; see |
| explanations in this issue.) It's used |
| to get the raw string form of template |
| strings, that is, substitutions (e.g. |
| ${foo}) are processed, but escapes (e.g. |
\ ) are not. /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
const whale = require('./cows/whale');
console.log(cowsay.say('Moo', { cow: whale }));
< Moo >
.---._ \ .--'
/ `-..__) ,-'
| 0 /
--.__, .__.,`