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1.3.0 • Public • Published


Date Conversion and Utility Functions

A JavaScript/TypeScript utility library for converting between Gregorian (AD) and Nepali (BS) dates, calculating date differences, and managing date ranges. This library provides functions to handle common date operations specifically tailored to the Nepali calendar (Bikram Sambat).


Install the library via npm:

npm install corporate-nepali-calendar

Usage with Laravel or any other non-npm projects

<script src=""></script>

Once the script is loaded, users can access your functions through the global variable CorporateNepaliCalendar.

  // Example usage
  const bsDate = CorporateNepaliCalendar.convertToBs("2024-11-07");
  console.log("BS Date:", bsDate);

Utility Functions

getDaysAdMonth(year: number, month: number): number

Returns the number of days in a specified Gregorian (AD) month.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The AD year (e.g., 2024).
    • month - The month number (1-12).
  • Returns: The number of days in the specified month.

getDaysBsMonth(year: number, month: number): number

Returns the number of days in a specified Nepali (BS) month in calendar year.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year (e.g., 2081).
    • month - The month number (1-12).
  • Returns: The number of days in the specified BS month.

getDaysBsQuarter(year: number, quarter: number): number

Calculates the number of days in a specific BS quarter in calendar year.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
    • quarter - The quarter number (1-4).
  • Returns: The number of days in the specified BS quarter.

getDaysBsHalfYear(year: number, half: number): number

Returns the number of days in a specified BS half-year period in calendar year.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
    • half - The half of the year (1 for the first half, 2 for the second half).
  • Returns: The number of days in the specified half-year period.

getDaysBsYear(year: number): number

Returns the total number of days in a given BS year in calendar year.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
  • Returns: The total number of days in the specified BS year.

getBsMonthEndDate(year: number, month: number): string

Returns the end date of a specified BS month in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
    • month - The BS month (1-12).
  • Returns: The end date of the specified BS month as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.

getBsQuarterEndDate(year: number, quarter: number): string

Returns the end date of a specified BS quarter in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
    • quarter - The BS quarter (1-4).
  • Returns: The end date of the specified BS quarter as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.

getBsYearEndDate(year: number): string

Returns the end date of a specified BS year in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
  • Returns: The end date of the specified BS year as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.

convertToBs(date: Date | string): string

Converts a Gregorian (AD) date to a Nepali (BS) date.

  • Parameters:

    • date - A Date object or a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Returns: The corresponding BS date as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.

convertToAd(bsDate: string): Date

Converts a Nepali (BS) date to a Gregorian (AD) date.

  • Parameters:

    • bsDate - A BS date string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Returns: A Date object representing the corresponding AD date.

getDifferenceDaysBsDates(startDate: string, endDate: string, includeStartEndDates: boolean = true): number

Calculates the difference in days between two BS dates.

  • Parameters:

    • startDate - The starting BS date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • endDate - The ending BS date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • includeStartEndDates - Optional. Whether to include both start and end dates in the count (default is true).
  • Returns: The number of days between the two BS dates.

getAdMonthRangeFromBsMonth(year: number, month: number): { startDate: string, endDate: string }

Calculates the Gregorian (AD) date range for a specified BS month.

  • Parameters:

    • year - The BS year.
    • month - The BS month (1-12).
  • Returns: An object with startDate and endDate in YYYY-MM-DD format representing the corresponding AD date range.

getTodaysBsDate(): string

Returns today's date in the Nepali (BS) calendar.

  • Returns: The current BS date as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format.

getPeriodEndDatesBs({ startDate: string, endDate: string, periodType: string, yearType?: string}): array<string>

Returns array of dates of period ends based on input from start date or end date

  • Parameters:

    • startDate - The BS date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • endDate - The BS date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • periodType - quarter or half-year
    • yearType - calendar or financial. This is optional, by default it is set to calendar in functonal scope, with ability to set it globally.
  • Returns: The array of string of BS date in YYYY-MM-DD format with the period end dates starting from startDate and ending with endDate.

getPeriodEndDatesAd({ startDate: string, endDate: string, periodType: string, yearType?: string}): array<string>

Returns array of dates of period ends based on input from start date or end date

  • Parameters:

    • startDate - The BS date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • endDate - The BS date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • periodType - quarter or half-year
    • yearType - calendar or financial. This is optional, by default it is set to calendar in functonal scope, with ability to set it globally.
  • Returns: The array of string of AD date in YYYY-MM-DD format with the period end dates starting from startDate converted to AD and ending with endDate converted to AD.

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This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues, suggest new features, or create pull requests to improve this library.

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  • erprashant