
3.6.4 • Public • Published

Cordova UXCam plugin

Release Notes

Version Changes
3.6.4 iOS SDK updated to v3.6.19 and Android SDK updated to v3.6.34
3.6.3 iOS SDK updated to v3.6.14 and Android SDK updated to v3.6.24
3.6.2 iOS SDK updated to v3.6.4 and Android SDK updated to v3.6.16
3.6.1 iOS SDK updated to v3.6.4
3.6.0 iOS SDK updated to v3.6.2 & Android SDK updated to v3.6.4
  • UXCam session URL is returned after successful start on Android platform (Already available on iOS)
  • Fixed issue related to occlusion flickering on custom webview (iOS)
  • Fixed textfields not occluding properly (iOS)
  • Fixed memory level crash issue while recording video (iOS)
  • Updated Android SDK to 3.5.2 and iOS SDK to 3.5.1
3.5.1 iOS SDK updated to v3.4.3 & Android SDK updated to v3.4.4
3.4.3 iOS SDK updated to v3.3.9 & Android SDK updated to v3.3.7
3.4.2 iOS SDK updated to v3.3.3 & fix for ionic capacitor build issue.
3.4.1 iOS SDK updated to v3.3.1 & Android SDK updated to v3.3.5
3.4.0 iOS SDK updated to v3.3.0, android SDK updated to 3.3.4, added setPushNotificationToken, reportBugEvent API.
3.3.1 iOS SDK updated to v3.2.6, fixed a problem with occludeAllTextViews call for iOS.
3.3.0 iOS SDK updated to v3.2.4 and Android SDK to 3.3.0. Callback added in startWithKey after verfication complete, returns session url. Missing setUserProperty method added in ios wrapper
3.2.2 Version bump to work around some publishing issues - same code as 3.2.1
3.2.1 iOS SDK updated to v3.1.15 and Android SDK to 3.2.0. iOS occludeSensitiveViews functionality added for Cordova UIWebView & WKWebView (BETA)
3.1.2 SDK updated to use Android v3.1.11 and iOS v3.1.9.
3.1.1 SDK updated to use Android v3.1.8 and iOS v3.1.6. optIn, optOut, optStatus are deprecated and should be replaced with optInOverall, optOutOverall, optInOverallStatus.
3.1.0 SDK updated to use Android v3.1.4 and iOS v3.1.3
3.0.0 SDK updated to use Android v3.0.1 and iOS v3.0.3, SDK updated to use v3 beta version with all new APIs
2.3.7 Updating Android and iOS SDKs to latest versions (MAR 2018)
2.3.6 Updating Android SDK to latest versions (JAN 2017). setAutomaticScreenNameTagging API typo bug fixed
2.3.4 Updating Android and iOS SDKs to latest versions (Nov 2016). Adds setAutomaticScreenNameTagging(bool enable) for iOS (does nothing on Android so far). Default is enabled.
2.3.3 Updating Android and iOS SDKs to latest versions (Sep 2016)
2.3.2 Updating Android and iOS SDKs to latest versions (Jul 2016)
2.3.1 Updating README to reflect change in name with the new plugin registry
2.3.0 Updated to iOS SDK 2.5.0 and Android SDK 2.1.9
2.2.1 Moving to the new 'npm' plugin publishing system
2.2.0 Updating to iOS SDK 2.1.0 - adds occludeSensitiveScreen and startWithKeyAndAppVariant methods
2.1.6 Updating to Android SDK 2.0.4 fixing an issue on Android OS 5.0+
2.1.5 Updating to iOS SDK 2.0.4 which fixes a bug with uploading icon images
2.1.4 Updating to iOS SDK 2.0.2 which improves version reporting to the server
2.1.3 Fixing some publishing problems with both SDKs
2.1.0 Changes the startup call from startApplicationWithKey to startWithKey for consistency with native SDKs
2.0.1 Native SDKs updated to versions 2.0.1 to fix some problems
2.0.0 First full release

Add UXCam plugin


cordova plugin add cordova-uxcam


phonegap plugin add cordova-uxcam

To remove the plugin:

cordova/phonegap plugin remove cordova-uxcam

UXCam android SDK requires AndroidX; add this to your config.xml file

<preference name="AndroidXEnabled" value="true" />

Supported platforms: android, ios


Call the startWithConfiguration method when deviceready has fired to start the UXCam session:


Starts the UXCam session const configuration = { userAppKey: 'YOUR API KEY' } UXCam.startWithConfiguration(configuration);

Get your app key from the dashboard at


For other API calls see

Notes on Building a Plugin

To publish the project when you are happy with it: npm publish 'DIRECTORY NAME'

See also the helpful information at:

Package Sidebar


npm i cordova-uxcam

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Unpacked Size

35.3 MB

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  • richard-groves-imac
  • hemang_uxcam
  • ankit-uxcam
  • vikrant-uxcam