
0.6.0 • Public • Published


A Cordova plugin providing access to the Flic SDK


$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-flic

Set android:minSdkVersion="19" or higher in AndroidManifest.xml

$ cordova build android

Plugin API

It has been currently stripped to the minimum needed from a Javascript app.

The following functions are available:

  • Flic.init (appId, appSecret, appName, options). Initialize Flic and register known buttons for receiving single click, double click and hold events
    • appId: your app client ID
    • appSecret: your app client secret
    • appName: your app name
    • options: a properties object with 2 function callbacks
      • options.success: called on function success
      • options.error: called on function error
  • Flic.getKnownButtons(options). Get known buttons. Returns the list of buttons grabbed in a previous run of the app
    • options: a properties object with 2 function callbacks
      • options.success: called on function success
      • options.error: called on function error
  • Flic.grabButton(options). Grab a button and register it for receiving single click, double click and hold events. Returns the grabbed button
    • options: a properties object with 2 function callbacks
      • options.success: called on function success
      • options.error: called on function error

Sample usage code

// Init flic
Flic.init(appId, appSecret, appName, {
    success: function(result) {
        console.log('Flic init succeeded');

        // Get known buttons
            success: function(buttons) {
                console.log('Flic getKnownButtons succeeded');
                console.log('Flic known buttons: ' + JSON.stringify(buttons));
            error: function(message) {
                console.log('Flic getKnownButtons failed: ' + message);

    error: function(message) {
        console.log('Flic init failed: ' + message);

// Subscription to button events
document.addEventListener('flicButtonClick', this.onFlicButtonPressed, false);
document.addEventListener('flicButtonDblClick', this.onFlicButtonPressed, false);
document.addEventListener('flicButtonHold', this.onFlicButtonPressed, false);

function onFlicButtonPressed(event) {
    console.log(event.type); //flicButtonClick
    console.log(event.buttonId); //70:d4:db:69:2f:4e
    console.log(event.color); //green
    console.log(event.status); //BUTTON_CONNECTION_COMPLETED

Sample app

Copy the files from the example folder to your project's platforms/android/assets/wwww folder.

Sample app screenshot


Next steps:

  • Implement function forgetButton(buttonId). Forget a button, which will never be associated to the app until it is grabbed again.
  • Implement function enableButton(buttonId). Subscribe button to single click, double click and hold events.
  • Implement function disableButton(buttonId). Unsubscribe button to single click, double click and hold events. Unlike when forgetting the button, the button will still be associated the app.
  • Implement function getButton(buttonId). Get a button by its device ID.
  • Implement function setActiveMode(buttonId). Set button active mode.
  • Implement function for more refined event subscription (onButtonClickOrHold, onButtonSingleOrDoubleClick, onButtonSingleOrDoubleClickOrHold, onButtonUpOrDown, onConnectionCompleted, onConnectionFailed, onConnectionStarted, onDisconnect, onReadRemoteRSSI)

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npm i cordova-plugin-flic

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Apache 2.0

Last publish


  • jguix