
0.0.9 • Public • Published


Couchbase Lite Cordova plugin that provides a full typescript and scalajs interfaces over CBL's REST API. This repo is intentionally not forked from the main couchbase-lite-phonegap repo. A seperate issue tracker is needed to track issues and progress with the typescript and scalajs interface code. This repo does not intend to provide improvements ahead of the main repository for the native code. This code will be manually updated as it is released from couchbase.

API follows PouchDB's API as strictly as possible, with the exceptions listed under Differences Compared to PouchAPI. If you have a suggestion on how to remove any exception(s) please submit a pull request.

This project depends on URI.js, lodash and an A+ compliant Promise library to be globally available in the implementing project.

Cordova Setup

  • Add the util/010_addxcodeoptions.js to the hooks/after_prepare folder. This file turns off bit code and slicing. The CBL iOS libraries do not support them yet. Also has commented config options for supporting swift in cordova ios projects.

TypeScript Installation

  • here is a reference implementation of typescript cordova/ionic and cbl TypeApp

  • First add the plugin to your project by

    cordova add plugin

  • Second move the following API files into the appropriate place in your project.

    • APIs -> typescript -> cbl.ts & cblemitter.ts
    • APIs -> typescript -> typedefs -> cbl.d.ts & cblemitter.d.ts & cblsubtypes.d.ts & eventsource.d.ts
  • Third Fix the /// reference paths to be relative to your project and link to or copy the bluebird, jquery, lodash and urijs definition files.

  • Fourth import the cbl.ts file into your data access class and have fun :)

ScalaJS Installation - API NOT WRITTEN YET

First add the plugin to your project by

cordova add plugin


Your Help in writing unit tests for Travis are very welcome and reporting or generating a pull request for bug fixes or improvements are always welcome too!

Brief API Overview

note: The typescript API is formatted for use with external module systems(AMD, CommonJS etc.).

Create a New CBL API Instance. Can optionally provide a sync url for simplified user of the replicate functions.

new CBL(dbName, syncUrl?:string)

initDB: Initialize the instance. Creates a new DB or obtains the db url for an existing DB. Can optionally provide a syncUrl for convenience with the replicate functions. This currently requres the user:pass@url syntax. have not implemented cookie authentication.


allDocs: Fetch multiple docs from the primary _id index. See Pouch allDocs, no API differences


bulkDocs: Create multiple docs at once. See Pouch bulkDocs, no API differences


changes: Subscribe to database change events. See Pouch changes, DIFFERENCES: only EventSource changes are supported. Only style is supported under advanced options. only returns a promise in order to support the since:'now' feature. the live option is obsolete using EventSource, and is omitted.


compact: Reduce db file size by removing outdated leaf revisions. This function creates an optimized duplicate database. Therefore up to twice the current storage space of the specified database is required for the compaction routine to complete. Pouch compact, no API differences


destroy: deletes the database. See Pouch destroy, no API differences


get: Get a single doc from the db. See Pouch get, no API differences

get(docId:string, params?:Object):Promise

getAttachment: Get an attachment associated with a doc. See Pouch getAttachment, no API differences

getAttachment(docId:string, attachmentName:string, params?:Object):Promise

info: Get basic info about the db including, name, # of docs and current seq id. See Pouch info, no API differences


post: Creates a doc in the DB. The DB will create the id for you if _id is not specified. Use PUT if you are updating a doc. See Pouch post, no API differences

post(docs:Object, params?:Object):Promise

put: Create or update a doc in the DB. Must have user generated _id. See Pouch put, DIFFERENCES: docId and revId are always inferred from the input doc, if rev is provided in the params, it takes precedence over the doc._rev;

put(doc:Object, params?:Object):Promise

putAttachment: add an attachment. See Pouch putAttachment, DIFFERENCE: rev is the last param in the signature.

putAttachment(docId:string, attachmentId:string, attachment:any, mimeType:string, rev?:string):Promise

query: perform a view lookup based on the index of a design document. See Pouch query. view should not contains '_design' it is hard coded into the function . A design doc with id '_design/myview' with a view function name byname should pass 'myview/byname' to the view param.

query(view:string, params:Object):Promise

replicateTo: Start replication to another DB from a cbl DB. See Pouch, DIFFERENCES: only accepts string names/URLs. This is a single function call no sub object "to". Only single shot replication is supported at the moment. Pull requests welcome.

replicateTo(remoteDbUrl:string, params:Object):Promise

replicateFrom: Start replication from another DB to a cbl DB. See Pouch replicate.from, DIFFERENCES: only accepts string names/URLs. This is a single function call no sub object "from". Only single shot replication is supported at the moment. Pull requests welcome.

replicateFrom(remoteDbUrl:string, params:Object):Promise

remove: delete a document. See Pouch remove, no API differences

remove(doc:Object, params?:Object):Promise

removeAttachment: Remove an attachment from a specified doc. See Pouch removeAttachment, no API differences

removeAttachment(docId:string, attachmentId:string, rev:string):Promise

revDiffs: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET : Provided a list of rev ids for a given doc, returns a subset of rev ids not stored in the db for that doc. See Pouch revDiffs


upsert: Automatically updates or inserts the provided doc. WARNING: Will blindly overwrite data if an older revision id is passed in.This is a convenience function. It is similar to Nolan Lawson's Upsert But not as robust.

upsert(doc:Object, params?:Object):Promise

viewCleanup: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET Removes indexes that do not have a companion design doc and updates stale view indexes. SeePouch bulkDocs,


Summary of Differences Compared to Pouch API

  • When creating a new db, all illegal characters( /[^a-z0-9$_()+-/]/g ) in the dbName are automatically removed upon cbl instance construction. This prevents dealing with illegal db name errors.

  • The only valid option for creating a new CBL instance is the name option. Auto_compaction is not included because ForestDB will inherently auto_compact. This Forest db will become the default engine in the near future.

  • the CBL instance needs to be initialized after creation. call initDB() on the new instance. This retrieves the server url and creates the dbUrl used by the API functions. It also attempts to create a database with the name provided by the constructor. Will only generate an error if the response status is not 201 or 412.

  • The dbName can only be string name, not a url to a remote couchDB. CBL only provides interfaces for replicating to and from an internal database. Use replicationTo or replicationFrom to link a local db to a remote one.

  • The API only returns promises. Callbacks are not supported.

  • The remove function only supports remove(doc:Object, params). A rev defined in the params takes precedence over the doc._rev.

  • The replicate and sync functions are not provided because there is not a static object for CBL to work from. If you want to work from a remote db pass in the authenticated CouchDB url as a parameter to initDB. Otherwise use replicateTo or replicateFrom on a CBL instance instead.

  • An Upsert Function is provided. It automatically updates or inserts the provided doc. If the document exists, the latest revision is applied to the input doc to force a successful update with the provided doc. WARNING: Will blindly overwrite data.

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  • jfspencer