Chrome Google Cloud Messaging V2 Plugin
This plugin allows Android apps to send/receive push messages.
Supported on Android
The API reference is here, and a full description on how to set up Google Cloud Messaging is here.
- Currently only a single registration is permitted per application, and a registration can only be for a single sender id
- The sender ID and registration is cached in local storage
- You require the 'gcm' permission to use this API
Release Notes
1.2.1 (May 26, 2015)
- Don't cache registration ID when
1.2.0 (April 30, 2015)
- Renamed plugin to pubilsh to NPM
- Now using cordova-background-app@2.0.0 for better background processing
1.1.1 (Mar 17, 2015)
- Remove version constraint on backgroundapp dependency due to plugman bug CB-8696
1.1.0 (Mar 17, 2015)
- Use BackgroundApp plugin to handle background events
- Make chrome.gcm Java 1.6 compatible
- Refactor to use messageQueue for native -> JS events (CSP compliant)
- Fix race conditions causing onLaunched not to fire
1.0.3 (Jan 27, 2015)
- Split Android permissions within plugin.xml into separate tags (fixes #494)
- Add custom permission so that other apps can't snoop our messages
- Don't require
permission in newer Android versions - Don't include
permission in chrome.gcm plugin since it doesn't uninstall correctly (fixes #488)
1.0.2 (October 21, 2014)
- Correct apparent copy/paste bug.
- Documentation updates.
1.0.1 (September 24, 2014)
- Fix #287 #290 Fix several significant GCM bugs
1.0.0 (May 8, 2014)
- Initial Release