CookieRazzi : A Cookie Concent Management Plateform (CMP)
- Written in vanilla javascript, no dependencies needed
- Clean UI with some customisable style (CSS custom properties)
- Change the markup of RGPD-sensitive JavaScript script tags to run only if the user has given consent.
- The expiration time of the cookie storing user consent preferences is configurable. By default it is one month.
How to use
<link rel="stylesheet" href="cookierazzi.css">
<script src="cookierazzi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cmp = new cookieRazzi;
cmp.setText({title : 'Cookie policy'});
cmp.updateConsent('necessary', {title: "Lorem ipsum"});
cmp.addConsent( 'tracking' : {
disabled : false,
value : true,
icon : "",
title : "",
text : "Description",
callback: function(consentValue){
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
<script type="text/plain" cookie-consent="tracking">
console.log('Eval script text/plain if consent');
Customise sentences
Texts parameters
key | Default Sentences (string) |
title | "Nous respectons votre vie privée" |
intro | "Nous utilisons des cookies pour améliorer et personnaliser votre expérience." |
desc | "Vous pouvez à tout moment revenir sur vos choix en utilisant le lien « paramétrer les cookies sur ce site » disponible dans notre politique de confidentialité" |
reject_all | "Tout refuser" |
accept | "Valider la sélection" |
accept_all | "J'accepte tout" |
Method | Type | Description |
init() | Initialize the CMP | |
debug() | Log settings and CMP cookie | |
showPopup() | Show CMP popup | |
hidePopup() | Hide CMP Popup | |
setSeed() | string | Change the seed if consents are added or modified to reset the cookie |
setExpire() | int | Set the expiration time for the cookie that retains user consent preferences. By default it is one month. |
setText() | object | Customise popup sentences |
addConsent() | (string,object) | Add consent with a named key and object with its value |
updateConsent() | (string,object) | Update consent with the named key of the consent to be updated and an object containing the new values |
key | Type | Description |
disabled | bool | Disabled the checkbox of the consent |
value | bool | Default value of the consent |
icon | url, base64 image, false | For better acceptance, accompany the consent with an icon. (16x16) |
title | string | Title of the consent |
text | string | Description of the consent |
callback | function | Function used if consent is approved |
Toggle popup
In order to open the popup again, add the class show-cmp
on a link, button, or other. When clicked, the popup will appear.
<a href="#" class="show-cmp">Manage cookies</a>
the CMP can be customised using a few CSS variables. Here are the default values:
--cmp-sun-color: #fff6a2;
--cmp-btn-bg-hover: #fff6a2;
--cmp-btn-color-hover: #333333;
--cmp-radius: 8px;
Example : Gtag setup
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag("consent", "default", {
ad_storage: "denied",
analytics_storage: "denied",
wait_for_update: 1000 // ms
gtag("set", "ads_data_redaction", true);
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXX-X');
function updateConsent(ad_storage, analytics_storage) {
gtag("consent", "update", {
analytics_storage: analytics_storage ? "granted" : "denied"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cookierazzi.css"/>
<script src="cookierazzi.js" type=""></script>
var cmp = new cookieRazzi;
cmp.addConsent('tracking', {
disabled : false,
value : true,
icon : "",
title : "Tracking",
text : "Description",
callback: function(consentValue){
updateConsent(consentValue, consentValue)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {