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0.1.2 • Public • Published

CLI Tool for Contract Creation and Deployment

This is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts on the EVM Based blockchain using the OpenZeppelin library. The tool supports the creation of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 contracts, as well as governance contracts. It also provides a boilerplate project structure for deploying contracts on the EVM Based blockchain.It habv also faucet option.


  • Node/NPM
  • Yarn


You can install this program globally with npm i -g contract-wizard or run the commands direcly with npx with npx contract-wizard@latest {COMMAND}.


  • contract-wizard create {PROJECT_NAME}: creates a new Hardhat project in the given project name. If not provided, creates the project in the current folder, although this requires the folder to be empty.

  • contract-wizard wizard: starts the wizard to create a new contract. The wizard will ask for the contract name, symbol, and type (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, or Governance). It will contract that saved as your contract name (.sol). All different type of contract have different option to choose from like mintable, burnable, pausable, etc.

  • contract-wizard faucet : Able to produce a links to get testnet token for testing purpose.

  • contract-wizard ide {CHAIN_NAME} : Start a project on ChainlinkIDE to test your contract.

Developing new features

Install and build

Install all dendencies with npm i. This project was build with Typescript. Run npm run build to compile code in /src into /bin.

To create a version run:

git tag v0.1.3    // with the correspondent tag
git push --tags  


Proper tests will be included soon. For now, you can test new changes locally by installing this package globably with npm i -g contract-wizard.

Package Sidebar


npm i contract-wizard

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  • sambitsargam