A simple and flexible console logger for both Node.js and browser environments, providing different levels of logging with colored outputs.
To install the package, use the following npm command:
npm install console-logger-dev
You can create logger instances for both Node.js and React (browser) environments using the createLogger function
To create a logger instance for the Node.js environment, use the following code:
import { createLogger, EnvironmentTypes, BuildTypes } from 'console-logger-dev';
const console = createLogger(EnvironmentTypes.NODE, BuildTypes.DEVELOPMENT);
var anyObject = {
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary"
// Log some messages using the console instance
console.info("Application started", anyObject); // Log prints in cyan color
To create a logger instance for the React (browser) environment, use the following code:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { createLogger, EnvironmentTypes, BuildTypes } from 'console-logger-dev';
const App = () => {
const console = createLogger(EnvironmentTypes.BROWSER, BuildTypes.DEVELOPMENT);
useEffect(() => {
//two parameter message and obj to print if any
browserLogger.warn('Warning message', { warning: 'Be careful' });
//here we are passing multiple params,line number, filename,message, object
console.warn('App.js', 61, 'Warning message', { warning: 'Be careful' });
console.info('App.js', 62, 'Info message', { info: 'Just so you know' });
console.debug('App.js', 63, 'Debug message', { debug: 'Debugging info' });
console.log('App.js', 64, 'Log message', { log: 'General log info' });
}, []);
return (
<h1>Check the console for log messages</h1>
export default App;
with two parameter
console.warn('Warning message', { warning: 'Be careful' });
here the obj console is the object of browser instance
with four parameter
console.warn(61,'App.js', 'Warning message', { warning: 'Be careful' });
here the obj console is the object of browser instance
Certainly! As a developer, passing all parameters manually can be awkward. That's why I've created a code snippet autofill for VSCode editor integration. Front end developers You can find it below:
The logger provides different levels of logging, each with its corresponding method:
- error: Logs error messages.
- error: Logs error messages.
- warn: Logs warning messages
- info: Logs informational messages.
- debug: Logs debugging messages.
- log: Logs general messages.
There are two build types supported by the logger:
- DEVELOPMENT: For development environment. Logs will be printed.
- PRODUCTION: For production environment. No logs will be printed.

For ease of use, you can configure VS Code snippets for quick integration. Follow the steps below:
1.Press Ctrl + Shift + P
in `VS Code
- Type
Configure User Snippets
and selectjavascript.json
- Copy and paste the following JSON into the file:
"Import Logger": {
"prefix": "ilog",
"body": [
"import { createLogger, BuildTypes, EnvironmentTypes } from 'node-console-logger';"
"description": "Import statement from node-console-logger"
"Console Log with Details": {
"prefix": "clog",
"body": [
"console.log('${TM_FILENAME}', ${TM_LINE_NUMBER}, '${1:message}', ${2:obj});"
"description": "Print filename, line number, message, and object in console log"
after adding the snippet json, come to your js file and type
for import statement
and clog
for autofilling the filename and line number your are in :)
This project is licensed under the MIT License