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MongoDB session store for Express and Connect

Fed up from not being able to find a decent mongo store with full control over mongo configuration including replica set support and not face a race condition because mongo connections are not being handled the right way.

Connect-mongo-soajs is a store that gives you full control over mongo configuration. Enjoy an unleashed reliable mongo store :)

This is a standanlone version of soajs connect mongo. You can simply use it as a standalone package as described below.


$ npm install connect-mongo-soajs


var session = require('express-session');
var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo-soajs')(session);
var store = new MongoStore(dbConfig)


The dbConfig object looks like this:

var dbConfig =  {
    'name' : "",
    'prefix' : "",
    'servers' : [{host : "", port : ""} ...],
    'credentials' : {username : "", password : ""},
    'URLParam' : { },
    'extraParam' : {db : {}, server : {}, replSet : {}, mongos: {}},
    'store': {},
    'collection': "sessions",
    'stringify': false,
    'expireAfter': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 // 2 weeks

For a full reference regarding URLParam & extraParam please check out mongodb website

Here is an example of dbConfig object:

var dbConfig = {
    "name": "core_session",
    "prefix": "",
    "servers": [
            "host": "",
            "port": 27017
    "credentials": null,
    "URLParam": {
        "maxPoolSize": 5
    "extraParam": {
        "db": {
            "bufferMaxEntries": 0
    'store': {},
    "collection": "sessions",
    'stringify': false,
    'expireAfter': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 // 2 weeks

A simple example

var express = require('express');
var session = require('express-session');
var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo-soajs')(session);
var app = express();

var dbConfig = {
    "name": "core_session",
    "prefix": "",
    "servers": [
            "host": "",
            "port": 27017
    "credentials": null,
    "URLParam": {
        "maxPoolSize": 5
    "extraParam": {
        "db": {
            "bufferMaxEntries": 0,00
    'store': {},
    "collection": "sessions",
    'stringify': false,
    'expireAfter': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 // 2 weeks

var sessionConfig = {
    "name": "soajsID",
    "secret": "this is your session secret shhhhhh",
    "cookie": {"path": '/', "httpOnly": true, "secure": false, "domain": "localhost", "maxAge": null},
    "resave": false,
    "saveUninitialized": false,
    "store" : new MongoStore(dbConfig)


Full reference for URLParam & extraParam

Below is how a configuration object should look like, but Please check out mongodb website

Reference for Mongo Configuration for driver version 2.1

  • Full REF



  • DB REF


  • Setup Mongo + SSL

  • MongoDB NodeJS Driver

     "URLParam": {
         "replicaSet": "rs",                         //name of the replicaSet if mongo connection is not standalone
         "ssl": false,                               //Whether or not the connection requires SSL
         "connectTimeoutMS": 0,                      //connection timeout value in ms or 0 for never
         "socketTimeoutMS": 0,                       //socket timeout value to attempt connection in ms or 0 for never
         "maxPoolSize": 5,                           //pooling value, default=100
         "minPoolSize": 0,                           //todo: not supported by all drivers
         "maxIdleTimeMS": 0,                         //todo: Not Supported * The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed.
         "waitQueueMultiple": 0,                     //todo: Not Supported * A number that the driver multiples the maxPoolSize value to, to provide the maximum number of threads allowed to wait for a connection to become available from the poo
         "waitQueueTimeoutMS": 0,                    //todo: Not Supported * The maximum time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available.
         "w": "majority",                            //values majority|number|<tag set>
         "wtimeoutMS": 0,                            //timeout for w, 0 is for never
         "journal": false,                           //Specify a journal write concern.
         "readConcernLevel": "local",
         "readPreference": "secondaryPreferred",     //if ReplicaSet, prefered instance to read from. value=primary|secondary|nearest|primaryPreferred|secondaryPreferred
         "readPreferenceTags": "TAG",
         "authSource": null,                         //specify a db to authenticate the user if the one he is connecting to doesn't do that
         "authMechanism": null,
         "gssapiServiceName": null
     "extraParam": {
         "db": {
             "authSource": null,                         //specify a db to authenticate the user if the one he is connecting to doesn't do that
             "w": "majority",                           //values majority|number|<tag set>
             "wtimeoutMS": 0,                           //timeout for w, 0 is for never
             "j": false,                                //Specify a journal write concern.
             "forceServerObjectId": false,               //Force server to assign _id values instead of driver. default=false
             "serializeFunctions": false,                //Serialize functions on any object. default=false
             "ignoreUndefined": false,                   //Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields. default=false
             "raw": false,                               //Return document results as raw BSON buffers. default=false
             "promoteLongs": true,                       //Promotes Long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution. default=true
             "bufferMaxEntries": -1,                    //Sets a cap on how many operations the driver will buffer up before giving up on getting a working connection, default is -1 which is unlimited.
             "readPreference": "secondaryPreferred",
             "pkFactory": null,                          //A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
             "promiseLibrary": null,                     //A Promise library class the application wishes to use such as Bluebird, must be ES6 compatible
             "readConcern": null
         "server": {
             "poolSize": 5,
             "ssl": false,
             "sslValidate": true,                       //Validate mongod server certificate against ca, mongod server 2.4 or higher
             "checkServerIdentity": true,               //Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking
             "sslCA": null,                             //Array of valid certificates either as Buffers or Strings
             "sslCert": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate we wish to present
             "sslKey": null,                            //String or buffer containing the certificate private key we wish to present
             "sslPass": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate password
             "socketOptions": {
                 "autoReconnect": true,                      //Reconnect on error
                 "noDelay": true,                           //TCP Socket NoDelay option
                 "keepAlive": 0,                             //TCP KeepAlive on the socket with a X ms delay before start
                 "connectTimeoutMS": 0,                      //connection timeout value in ms or 0 for never
                 "socketTimeoutMS": 0                       //socket timeout value to attempt connection in ms or 0 for never
             "reconnectTries": 30,                      //Server attempt to reconnect #times
             "reconnectInterval": 1000,                 //Server will wait # milliseconds between retries
             "monitoring": true,                        //Triggers the server instance to call ismaster
             "haInterval": 10000                        //Time between each replicaset status check
         "replSet": {
             "ha": true,                                //Turn on high availability monitoring.
             "haInterval": 10000,                        //Time between each replicaset status check
             "replicaSet": "rs",
             "secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS": 15,        //Sets the range of servers to pick when using NEAREST
             "connectWithNoPrimary": false,             //Sets if the driver should connect even if no primary is available
             "poolSize": 5,
             "ssl": false,
             "checkServerIdentity": true,               //Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking
             "sslValidate": true,                       //Validate mongod server certificate against ca, mongod server 2.4 or higher
             "sslCA": null,                             //Array of valid certificates either as Buffers or Strings
             "sslCert": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate we wish to present
             "sslKey": null,                            //String or buffer containing the certificate private key we wish to present
             "sslPass": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate password
             "socketOptions": {
                 "noDelay": true,                           //TCP Socket NoDelay option
                 "keepAlive": 0,                             //TCP KeepAlive on the socket with a X ms delay before start
                 "connectTimeoutMS": 0,                      //connection timeout value in ms or 0 for never
                 "socketTimeoutMS": 0                       //socket timeout value to attempt connection in ms or 0 for never
         "mongos": {
             "ha": true,                                //Turn on high availability monitoring.
             "haInterval": 10000,                        //Time between each replicaset status check
             "poolSize": 5,
             "acceptableLatencyMS": 15,        //Sets the range of servers to pick when using NEAREST
             "ssl": false,
             "checkServerIdentity": true,               //Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking
             "sslValidate": true,                       //Validate mongod server certificate against ca, mongod server 2.4 or higher
             "sslCA": null,                             //Array of valid certificates either as Buffers or Strings
             "sslCert": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate we wish to present
             "sslKey": null,                            //String or buffer containing the certificate private key we wish to present
             "sslPass": null,                           //String or buffer containing the certificate password
             "socketOptions": {
                 "noDelay": true,                           //TCP Socket NoDelay option
                 "keepAlive": 0,                             //TCP KeepAlive on the socket with a X ms delay before start
                 "connectTimeoutMS": 0,                      //connection timeout value in ms or 0 for never
                 "socketTimeoutMS": 0                       //socket timeout value to attempt connection in ms or 0 for never




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  • meantoinehage
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