
0.12.0 • Public • Published

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Build a single page application using routing tree.


We have some URL in browser address string and we want to render the corresponding DOM.

Reality makes things a bit harder sometimes. Somewhere in between knowing URL and rendering the DOM, we need to fetch some data. And we need to change the DOM and fetch a new data when the URI is changed or the HTML form is submitted.

conkitty-route gives a simple way to create the single page application.

Simple example

    .add('/', {title: 'Welcome', render: 'WelcomeTemplate'})
    .add('/about', {title: 'About', render: 'AboutTemplate'})
    .add(null, {title: 'Not Found', render: 'NotFoundTemplate'})

In this example we render the template named WelcomeTemplate for / URI and the template named AboutTemplate for /about URI, setting the page title to Welcome and About respectively. For other URIs we render the template named NotFoundTemplate. By default, Conkitty templates are used, but you can customize the template caller and use conkitty-route with any template engine you want.

More complex example

// Pending.

About History API

conkitty-route utilizes History API of the modern browsers. For the most of cases History API will be used automatically. conkitty-route adds a click handler for the anchor tags and uses history.pushState() to actually change browsers location. When the location is changed, only a corresponding part of the page is rerendered. Of course, you can change the location manually, using $CR.set() method.

URI patterns and parameters

Simple match

Pattern /path/to/something?arg1=value1&arg2=value2#somehash matches any URI with a pathname equals to /path/to/something, any query string having arg1 and arg2 arguments with exact value1 and value2 values, any number of other query string arguments and a hash equals to somehash.

Pattern /path/to/something matches any URI with a pathname equals to /path/to/something, any query string and any hash.

Capture parameters

/:path/:to/:something?arg1=:value1&arg2=:value2#:hash matches any URI with three components in pathname, any query string with arg1 and arg2 arguments with any values and any hash. Matcher captures URI components by corresponding names.

For example, the pattern above will match the following URI: /hello/beautiful/world?arg1=it&arg2=is&arg3=pretty&arg1=amazing#indeed and captured parameters will be:

    path:      'hello',
    to:        'beautiful',
    something: 'world',
    arg1:      ['it', 'amazing'],
    arg2:      'is'

Another example. Pattern /test/:p/pattern will match the following URI (with or without query string and hash): /test/this/pattern?some=arg#yo, with one captured parameter:

    p: 'this'

Optional parameters

It is possible to specify an optional parameters.

Pattern /some/:?optional/params?arg1=:?a#:?h matches /some/uri/params?arg1=val1#haha and /some/params. In the first case parameters will be:

    optional: 'uri',
    a:        'val1',
    h:        'haha'

The last case will not have captured parameters.

Parameters constraints

It is possible to add constraints and default values to a parameter, as well as transform parameter value. Frame params property aims to do that.


Frame summary

The Frame is the key element of the routing tree. The routing tree consists of Frames (unlimitedly nested). The Frame is a pair of a URI pattern and a settings object.

For example:

$CR.add('/frame1', {
    render: 'template1',
    frames: {
        '/frame2': {
            render: 'template2',
            frames: {
                '/frame3': {
                    render: 'template3'
                '/frame4': {
                    render: 'template4'

Here we have four nested Frames.

Patterns concatenation

URI patterns of nested Frames are concatenated. The example above will work for /frame1, /frame1/frame2, /frame1/frame2/frame3 and /frame1/frame2/frame4 in the browser address string.

Frame settings

Frame settings object example:

    id: 'page',
    data: '/api/data',
    render: 'page-template'

Frame settings is an object with the following keys. All of them are optional.



An optional user-defined unique Frame identifier. With this identifier you might obtain the Frame runtime object using $CR.get() method.

Frame runtime objects provide useful API.


    .add('/:param1/test/:param2', {
        id: 'page',
        render: 'test-template'
alert($CR.get('page').makeURI({param1: 'val1', param2: 'val2'})); // /val1/test/val2



The document title when the Frame is active. If the function is provided, it will be called every time this Frame becomes active and should return the title. The function receives a parameters object as the first argument, this will point to this Frame runtime object.


    .add('/?param=:param', {
        id: 'test-id',
        title: function(params) { return 'Test — ' + params.param + ' (' + + ')'; },
        render: 'test-template'
$CR.set('/?param=Hello'); // The title is `Test — Hello (test-id)` now.



When you want to add some constraints to a URI parameters or transform a URI parameters values, use params setting. params setting value should be an object, where the key is a parameter name and the value is one of the following:

  • String, should be strictly equal to this string.
  • RegExp, should match this RegExp.
  • Array, should be strictly equal to one of this array items.
  • Function, the function will receive a value matched by a URI pattern and should return a processed value (or undefined in case the value doesn't match).


    .add('/?p1=:param1&p2=:param2&p3=:param3&p4=:param4', {
        params: {
            param1: /^(?:val1|val2)$/,
            param2: ['val3', 'val4', 'val5'],
            param3: 'val6',
            param4: function(val) { return val + val; }
        render: 'template1'
// A parameters object for the `template1` will look like:
// {param1: 'val2', param2: 'val4', param3: 'val6', param4: 'piupiu'}.


Array of any of the previous

Data fetching is an essential part of any application. With this setting, you can tell what data you need to load for this Frame.

Let's check out the data setting value type meanings:


A reversed URI pattern for an AJAX request. A reversed URI pattern means that you use the same parametrized patterns which are used for the URI matching, but parameter references will be substituted with an actual values. Plus you can refer to a parent Frames parameters (parameters object is inherited from the parent Frame parameters object via prototypical inheritance).

For example:

    .add('/:param1', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/:param2?test=:val': {
                data: '/api/:val/get-data?type=:param1&filter=:param2',
                render: 'template2'

In this example, when we go to /hello/world?test=beautiful, after template1 is rendered, before rendering template2, an AJAX request to /api/beautiful/get-data?type=hello&filter=world will be performed.


When you pass a function as the data setting value, this function will be called when the Frame becomes active. It will receive a parameters object as the first argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object.

The function should return a Promise or an actual data.


It is possible to customize pretty much everything about the data fetching process. Use $CR.$.data() helper to do that.

$CR.$.data() helper accepts a settings object, a full version of which looks like:

    uri: String | Function,
    method: String | Function,
    override: Function,
    parse: Function,
    transform: Function,
    eq: Function

Every property (except for uri) is optional.

When uri is a string, it is treated like a reversed URI pattern. When uri is a function, it will be called with a parameters object as the first argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object. The function should return an URI for the request.

When override function is defined, it will be called with a parameters object as the first argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object. When no request to uri is needed, the function should return a non-undefined value with the resulting data.

When parse function is defined, it will be called to parse a raw XMLHttpRequest response. When parse is not defined, JSON.parse() is used. parse function receives responseText as the first argument and XMLHttpRequest object itself as the second argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object.

When transform function is defined, it will be called to transform parsed data into something else. The function will receive the parsed data as the first argument, XMLHttRequest object as the second argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object. The function should return the transformed data.

When eq function is defined, it will be used instead of the default equality check function for the automatic refresh functionality. The function will receive the new data as the first argument and the previous data as the second argument, this will point to the Frame runtime object.


When you want to attach some static data to the Frame, $CR.$.static helper should be used.

    data: $CR.$.static([{some: 'static'}, 'data']),
Array of any of the previous

When you have several data sources, you can combine them all into an array. The Frame processing will continue after all these sources are fetched.



The parent setting represents the default parent DOM node for the render setting of this Frame and its child Frames.

When the string is passed, it is used as CSS selector for find actual node.

When the function is passed, it will be called, this will point to this Frame runtime object. The function should return DOM node.

When the Frame itself and all its parent Frames have no parent setting, document.body is used.


Render object
Array of any of the previous

The render setting is one of the trickiest and powerful parts of the Frame. There are five render stages:

  • before stage happens when the Frame has become active.
  • success stage happens when the data has been fetched or right after before stage when the Frame has no data.
  • error stage happens when an error has occurred during the data-fetching.
  • after stage happens right after success or error stage.
  • except stage happens when an exception has occurred during the stages above.

The DOM rendered on each stage replaces the DOM rendered on the previous stage (unless you specifically tell not to replace it).

Render object

Render object is an object with stage names as the keys and all other options (String, Function, $CR.$.tpl(), $CR.$.uri(), Array of the previous) as values.

When you use String, Function, $CR.$.tpl(), $CR.$.uri() or Array directly as the render setting value, success stage is assumed.

Here is what the full version of Render object looks like:

    before: AOO,  // AOO — All other options.
    '-before': AOO,
    '+before': AOO,
    success: AOO,
    '-success': AOO,
    '+success': AOO,
    error: AOO,
    '-error': AOO,
    '+error': AOO,
    after: AOO,
    '-after': AOO,
    '+after': AOO,
    except: AOO,
    '-except': AOO,
    '+except': AOO

- before the stage name means that this Frame wasn't active in previous document location. + means that this Frame was active. Here is the example to understand this:

    .add('/:param', {
        data: '/api/data',
        render: {
            '-before': 'spinner-template',
            '+before': function() { = 0.5; },
            success: 'page-template',
            error: 'error-template',
            '+after': function() { = 1; }
// Wait for the data to load.

In this example, after $CR.set('/hello'); the Frame becomes active for the first time, there is no DOM for this frame yet. In this case -before handler will work.

After $CR.set('/world'); the Frame remains active, but we have the previous DOM already. If we will render the spinner, it will replace the previous DOM and will cause the page to blink, so we just change the opacity instead.


The string will be interpreted as a template name, this name will be passed to callTemplate callback of the $ method settings.


The function will be called, this will point to this Frame, arguments are depending on the stage (basically, the first argument is a data, the second argument is a parameters object, the third argument is a form node, in case it is a Form). The function should return a string (this string will be used as a template name), a DOM node (this node, will be inserted into the document). The function could also return false (to stop calling the next handlers for this stage, see Array description below) and undefined (nothing will happen to the document, sometimes you just need to call a function).

$CR.$.tpl(name, parent, replace)

To customize the template call result, $CR.$.tpl helper should be used.

    render: $CR.$.tpl(
        String | Function, // Template name, the same to the descriptions above.
        String | Function | Node, // Personal parent for the result.
        false // Do not replace the DOM from the previous stage, `true` by default.
$CR.$.uri(uri, params, reload, replace)

Sometimes, a location change is needed as the result of the Frame processing. This is true for the forms mostly, but could be used everywhere.

uri is a string (reversed URI pattern) or a function (should return URI).

params is a parameters object or a function that returns a parameters object (in case uri is a reversed URI pattern, ignored otherwise).

reload and replace have the same meaning $CR.set() method has.

Array of any of the previous

Strings, Functions, $CR.$.tpl()s and $CR.$.uri()s can be combined into an array, they will be handled one after another corresponding to the descriptions above.



To mount root Frame, $CR.add() method should be used. The frames setting is corresponding for mounting child frames:

$CR.add('/', {
    frames: {
        '/welcome': {
            render: 'template1',
            frames: {
                '/my/love': {render: 'template2'}
        '/about': {render: 'template3'}



By default, the Frame becomes active when the URI pattern matches the location. If you need more complex logic to determine if the Frame is active, you can use the matcher function. This function will be called if the URI pattern matches the location, before Frame processing. The function will receive a parameters object as the first argument, this will point to this Frame. The function should return true if the Frame should become active, false otherwise.


    .add('/:param', {
        matcher: function(params) { return Math.random() < 0.5; },
        render: 'template1'
    .add(null, {render: 'not-found'})
$CR.set('/piupiu'); // `template1` will be rendered one time out of two.



The Frame matching process works the following way. The matcher checks the root Frames one after another. If there is a match in one of the root Frames, this root Frame becomes active with all matched child Frames.

The break setting allows you to stop the following child Frames matching (something very similar to switch clause in JavaScript).

If the break setting is a function, this function will be called, this will point to this Frame, the function should return true or false.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/?param1=val1&param2=val2': {render: 'template2'},
            '/?param1=val1': {render: 'template3'},
            '/?param2=val2': {render: 'template4'}

In this example, when we open /?param1=val1&param2=val2, all three child Frames will become active.

But if we add break: true to the first child Frame:

    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/?param1=val1&param2=val2': {render: 'template2', break: true},
            '/?param1=val1': {render: 'template3'},
            '/?param2=val2': {render: 'template4'}

Only the first child Frame will be processed now.



By default, when you call $CR.set() without reload argument or when you click a link (conkitty-route catches clicks for the anchor elements and uses $CR.set() internally), only the Frames that have changed will be rerendered.

You can add keep: false setting to force the Frame to be rerendered every time.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/sub': {
                data: '/api/data',
                render: 'template2'
$CR.set('/sub'); // `/api/data` is loaded, `template2` is rendered.
$CR.set('/sub'); // Nothing happens.

But if we add keep: false:

    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/sub': {
                data: '/api/data',
                render: 'template2',
                keep: false
$CR.set('/sub'); // `/api/data` is loaded, `template2` is rendered.
$CR.set('/sub'); // `/api/data` is loaded again, `template2` is rendered again.



By default, any Frame can become the final Frame (when the Frame matches the location and its child Frames don't match the location).

You can add final: false setting to deny this Frame to be the final one.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/sub': {
                render: 'template2'
    .add(null, {render: 'not-found'})
$CR.set('/sub'); // `template1` and `template2` are rendered.
$CR.set('/'); // Just `template1`.

But if we add final: false:

    .add('/', {
        final: false,
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/sub': {
                render: 'template2'
    .add(null, {render: 'not-found'})
$CR.set('/sub'); // `template1` and `template2` are rendered.
$CR.set('/'); // `not-found` is rendered.



By default, the success stage happens as soon as possible (right after the data is fetched or right after the before stage when no data is needed).

You can delay success stage till all matched child Frames are ready for the success stage. Just add wait: true. You can cancel the delay deeper by adding wait: false.


    .add('/', {
        wait: true,
        data: '/api/data1',
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/sub': {
                data: '/api/data2',
                render: 'template2',
                frames: {
                    '/sub2': {
                        wait: false,
                        data: '/api/data3',
                        render: 'template3'
$CR.set('/sub/sub2'); // `template1` and `template2` will be rendered only
                      // after `/api/data1` and `/api/data2` are loaded.
                      // `/sub2` Frame has `wait: false`, it will be rendered
                      // later, when `/api/data3` is loaded.



By default, each child Frame URI pattern takes its bite of the location. Sometimes we want to take a piece of location just to have some status in a parameters object. If you add reduce: false, the Frame will not take its bite of the location from the child Frames and will not take a part in $CR.makeURI() and Frame.makeURI() functions.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        frames: {
            '/:?item': { // Optional parameter, could be used to get the current item to highlight it.
                reduce: false,
                render: 'items',
                frames: {
                    '/:item': {render: 'item-details'},
                    '/': {render: 'no-item-selected'}
$CR.set('/item'); // `template1`, `items` and `item-details` are rendered.
$CR.set('/'); // `template1`, `items` and `no-item-selected` are rendered.


Form settings object
Array of Form settings objects

Use the form setting when the Frame has an HTML form that needs to be processed. conkitty-route will intercept a submit event and process the form according to Form settings.


    .add('/:param', {
        render: 'template1',
        form: {
            match: '.selector', // Optional matcher, if present, the form will
                                // be processed in case the form's DOM node
                                // matches the selector.
            action: '/api/:param',
            method: 'post',
            render: 'template2'
$CR.set('/piu'); // `template1` will be rendered (it should have an HTML form).
                 // After the form is submitted, an AJAX request to `/api/piu`
                 // will be performed, and the DOM of this Frame will be
                 // replaced with `template2`.



You can use $CR.on() method to bind an event handlers and you can bind an event handlers right from the Frame declaration.


    .add('/', {
        id: 'frame1',
        render: 'template1',
        on: {
            before: function() { alert( + ' before'); },
            success: [function() { alert( + ' success1'); }, function() { alert( + ' success2'); }],
            after: function() { alert( + ' after'); }



Experimental. A timeout for a background refresh. After this timeout since the previous data was fetched, conkitty-route will rerequest the Frame data and silently rerender the Frame in case the data is changed. Only successful attempts to fetch the data will be considered and only success and after render stages will be called. You can customize the data equality check function using $CR.$.data() helper.


Form summary

The Form is a special kind of the Frame to handle HTML forms.

Form settings


The same to the Frame settings title, shows up when the form is submitted.



When you don't provide the action attribute for the form DOM node, this action setting is used.

When the action setting is a string, it's a reversed URI pattern (the same to the Frame data setting).

When the action setting is a function, this function will be called, the first argument is a serialized form data, the second argument is this Form parent Frame runtime object, this will point to the DOM node of the form. The function should return the data of the submission result.

$CR.$.data() and $CR.$.static() have the same meaning the Frame has.



When you don't provide the method attribute for the form DOM node, this method setting is used.



Provide this function if you need to validate the form before the submission. This function will be called for every field during the form submission or when you manually call Frame.checkForm() method.

The function receives the field DOM node as the first argument, the value as the second argument and the whole form serialized data as the third argument. this will point to the form Frame runtime object.

The function should return an error message in case the value is invalid, false otherwise.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        form: {
            action: '/api/form',
            check: function(elem, val, data) {
                return Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'The Fortune errors this field' : false;
            render: 'template2'



The form field has three states: valid, invalid and sending. By default, the fields get disabled when the form is in sending state.

You can provide a custom field state changer.

The function receives the field DOM node as the first argument, the state (one of three states above) and an error message from the check function as the third argument. this will point to the form Frame runtime object.

The function should return undefined when you don't want to cancel the default action (disabling fields in sending state), something else otherwise.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        form: {
            action: '/api/form',
            check: function(elem, val, data) {
                return Math.random() < 0.5 'The Fortune errors this field' : false;
            state: function(elem, state, msg) {
                switch (state) {
                    case 'valid': elem.className = ''; break;
                    case 'invalid': elem.className = 'invalid'; alert(msg); break;
                    case 'sending': elem.className = 'sending'; break;
            render: 'template2'



By default, the form data is sent in the urlencoded form format (with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type).

Set to text when you want to submit the form data as plain text (with text/plain content type). Set to json when you want to submit the form data as JSON (with application/json content type).



Use this function to preprocess the data before the submission or to cancel the submission.

This function receives the form data as the first argument, the form Frame runtime object as the second argument, cancel function as the third argument. this will point to the DOM node of the form.

The function should return an actual data to send or call cancel function.


    .add('/', {
        render: 'template1',
        form: {
            action: '/api/form',
            type: 'json',
            submit: function(data, frame, cancel) {
                // Use `cancel()` to cancel the submission.
                return {values: { return item.value; })};
            render: 'template2'



Use this function to set additional headers for the form XMLHttpRequest object.

This function receives XMLHttpRequest object as the first argument, the form data as the second argument, the form Frame runtime object as the third argument. this will point to the DOM node of the form.


The same to the Frame render. The result will be rendered instead of the form parent Frame DOM.


$CR.add(uri, frame)

Mount a root Frame.

  • uri — an URI pattern.
  • frame — a settings object.



Get the Frame runtime object.

$CR.set(uri [, reload, [replace]])

Set the current location.

  • uri — a new location.
  • reload (optional)conkitty-route doesn't reload the Frame data and doesn't rerender the Frame, when no corresponding to the Frame URI part is changed. By passing true you can force the Frame to be reloaded.
  • replace (optional) — by default, each $CR.set() method call adds a record to the browser history. Pass true to replace the current history position instead of creating the new one.

$CR.on(event, handler [, frameId])

Bind an event handler.

  • event — an event name or space-separated set of event names.
  • handler — an event handler.
  • frameId (optional) — an identifier (when the handler should be called for the specific Frame only).

There are per-Frame events:

  • before — the Frame has become active.
  • success — when the data is loaded (or right after before when there is no data).
  • error — when an error has occurred during loading the data.
  • after — after success or error event.
  • leave — the Frame has stopped to be active.
  • stop — the location has changed before the Frame data is loaded.
  • except — an exception has occurred during processing the Frame.

There are meta events:

  • busy — when some data has started to load.
  • idle — when all the datas have been loaded.

$, handler [, frameId])

Unbind an event handler.

The arguments are the same to $CR.on() method arguments.

$CR.makeURI(uri [, params])

Build an URI from URI pattern an a paremeters object.

  • uri — an URI pattern.
  • params — a parameters object.


$CR.makeURI('/hello/:world?arg=:ololo', {world: 'piu', ololo: ['11', '22']});
// '/hello/piu?arg=11&arg=22'


Get the current location query string params by their actual names.


// {world: 'beautiful', yes: ['truly', 'indeed']}

$CR.serializeForm(node [, withFields])

Frame API


Get the parameters object from the Frame runtime object.[index])




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