The UI for Fabric Composer
Check that the versions of
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
You must run the following commands in order to pull the Hyperledger fabric chaincode dependencies from their repositories:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
You should see messages indicating that the required git repositories have been cloned into the correct vendor subdirectory.
You must install Lerna to build this multi-package repository:
$ npm install -g lerna@2.0.0-beta.32
You must bootstrap the repository so that all of the dependencies are installed and all of the packages are linked together:
$ lerna bootstrap
You can then work with the packages under packages/ on a per-package basis as any normal node.js package.
Alternatively, you can execute npm commands across all of the packages at once using Lerna:
$ lerna run test
You're now ready to start with the Fabric Composer project.
$ npm start