Configurable comparator for use in the array.sort() call
- Chained call of any length results in a comparator function
- Short and simple syntax
- Support for mapping values
- Extendable by adding more comparators or mappers
Usage examples
; array;array;array;array;
$ npm install comparator-pipeline --save
The Comparator is a function used to compare two values and return < 0, 0 or > 0. Each Comparator call will return the comparator function (e.g. Comparator or Comparator.natural or Comparator.natural.reversed). The Comparator contains a pipeline of steps. The pipeline is performed left to right.
Make sure to call the pipeline steps in the right order because otherwise some may be ignored.
So Comparator.natural.reversed
works as expected.
But Comparator.reversed.natural
will not be reversed because the actual sort is after the reversed
When no comparator is added to the pipeline, the default comparator (literal) will be used. (which will be called when needed so, for example, Comparator.reversed.natural
will call the default comparator to get the reversed value, then call the natural comparator)
Possible pipeline steps:
Comparators | |
literal | Compare using < and >. (default) |
natural | Compare '8' before '20' when strings. (for a natural sort) |
locale | Compare using localization. Is configurable, so calls with args as in String.localeCompare(...) without the first, or empty for defaults. |
valueMappers | |
text | Map values to string (alias: string[s]). |
number[s] | Map values to floats (using parseFloat). |
map(mapper) | Map values using a mapper function. Mapper should be in the form (value, initialValue) => value . value is the value to compare (which can be different from initialValue because it may have been mapped before). initialValue is the initial array element. |
ignoreCase | Maps values to lowercase string. |
trim | Maps values to trimmed string. |
resultMappers | |
reverse[d] | Reverse results (ascending <-> descending). Comparators are ascending by default. |
ascend[ing] | Results are made ascending (a-z). (actually reverses if reversed) |
descend[ing] | Results are made descending (z-a). (actually reverses if not reversed) |
other steps | |
key(name) | Alias of, obj) => obj[name]) . |
orElse | Stops the pipeline if the previous comparison is non-0 (non-equal). Otherwise resets and continues as if new. |
end | Stops the pipeline, even if there is no result. This may be needed when using a configurable function without braces as last step. |
configure | |
setup(...) | Configure from strings, like 'natural', 'reversed'. |
arrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarrayarray // ".end" because of no braces for configurable
Example: Key
Comparing an array of objects:
let array = firstName:... lastName:... age:... ... array;
This will sort the array on lastName (natural ascending), except when the lastName is equal which will sort on firstName (literal ascending), except when the firstName is equal which will sort on age (literal descending).
The key(String)
call will reset previous settings like reversed
or natural. It will stop the pipeline when a non-0 (non-equal) result was achieved.
Alternatively the 'orElse' can be used:
array.sort(Comparator .map((o,v) => o.lastName).natural,v) => o.firstName) => o.age).reversed );
Extending pipeline functionality
Functionality can be added by assigning functions to Comparator:
Comparator[.type].name = function(...)
All steps can be added via the 'steps' type. A step function is called with a pipeline state.
The this
of the function is also pipeline state.
A few convenience types are available that don't have to use the pipeline state directly:
Type | Parameters | Return | Description |
comparators | valueA, valueB | < 0, 0 or > 0 | comparator functions (default when type is omitted). must be ascending. |
valueMappers | value, initialValue | new value | Value mapper functions. |
resultMappers | result | new result | Result mapper functions. |
- The 'comparators' type is default and can be omitted.
- When using the extension, the type (valueMappers, resultMappers, etc) should be omitted.
- All names should be unique.
- When an extention requires configuration, use 'configurable' (see below)
The Comparator-pipeline is called for each comparison needed to sort the array. So it will be called with two array items and should return < 0, 0 or > 0. Each pipeline-step is called until the end or until a pipeline step determines the pipeline is finished.
'steps' functions get a pipeline-state to update.
The pipeline-state has the following fields:
- a value to compare
- b value to compare against
- initialA initial value of a (a may have changed due to mapping)
- initialB initial value of b (b may have changed due to mapping)
- result the comparison result, or undefined
- isFinished true when no more steps in the pipeline should be executed
- pipeline array of steps in the pipeline.
- step current step. Step looks like { type, name, func }
- comparator last used comparator (e.g. the literal or natural function)
- checkResult() calls getResult() if result is undefined
- getResult() uses comparator (default comparator if not set) to set result.
- hasResult() true when result is not undefined and not 0.
- reset() sets state back to begin: no result, not finished, initial a/b, comparator default.
A step function can update the current state, for example by changing a/b or setting the result.
A step function can be made configurable by setting 'configurable' in the path. The step function should return a function then:
Comparator.steps.configurable.test = (cfg1, cfg2) => state => do something with cfg1, cfg2 and state.
ComparatorvalueMappers Math;array ComparatorvalueMappers Stringv;array ComparatorvalueMappers v;array ComparatorresultMappers -result;array; Comparatorsteps stateisFinished = true;
Extension configuration
When an extension requires configuration input, the 'configurable' key should be used, and the function should return a function.
Comparatorconfigurable a b ==> something with a b cfg ;
For example in Comparator.abs.reversed
, 'abs' does not have any configuration. But in Comparator.key('a').reversed
, 'key' has one or more key-names as configuration.
(the explicit use ('configurable') is better than guessing if the function returns a function)
Overwriting functionality
It is also possible to overwrite existing handlers. For example the default 'numbers' valueMapper is this:
ComparatorvalueMappers ;
which you can change (for example) to:
ComparatorvalueMappers ;
or let trim also trim braces:
ComparatorvalueMappers v;
Existing functionality can be removed by using the delete
keyword, without the type.
delete Comparatortrim
MIT (C) Nicolas de Jong