Command Ship
Easy command shipping for Docker containers.
Running docker run -v .:/source my-image-name make
dozens of times a day is cumbersome.
Running just ship make
is awesome!
That's what Command Ship will allow you to do.
Install Command Ship:
$ npm install -g commandship
Create a file called Shipfile
in your project folder and add a sample configuration:
container = docker/whalesay
run = docker run {container}
hi = {run} cowsay "Hello from Docker!"
Save the file and run from your favourite terminal:
$ ship hi
You'll get a nice Docker whalesay greeting!
Now let's pass arguments, add this line to your Shipfile
say = {run} cowsay "{...}"
Save the file again and run the command:
$ ship say Captain Jack Sparrow loves Docker!
Your favourite whale will now say whatever you tell through arguments. :)
Now you can try creating your own custom ship commands to start boosting your productivity with Docker. ;)
Browse more examples clicking here.
This is still a proof of concept and lots of issues exist. Feel free to contribute if you like.
This project is licensed under MIT License terms. It lets you do anything you want with this code as long as you provide attribution back to me and don’t hold me liable.
Click here to read the detailed license file.