A unity package that leverages compute shaders to analyze a RenderTextures
for specific pixel types.
Intro 🤖
Features - The
object that handles the communication between scene data to the GPU - The
base object that can setup finder objects in different formations (PixelFinderCube
) - The
object that manages groups of layouts and supports working through a list of points to analyze from. - Pixel data processed with compute shaders and stored back in the CPU for future use.
- HLSL code for visualizing data without creating additional CPU overhead
- Handy extension methods for capturing screen shots or normalizing values
The Pixel Finder
The main purpose of this package was to create a system that could move through a series of points and calculate the amount of pixels that matched a givent set of colors and store those colors for some of our analysis tools. The PixelFinder
object is the main component in this package as it brings all of the magic from the GPU to CPU. It Each time the GPU receieves a RenderTexture
to read through it goes through a set of steps to find the specified colors.
Pixel Data When there is a pixel match there is reprojection step to set a value to the pixel in relationship to where it's positioned on the screen. Usually a pixel dead center of a texture would be of more value than one that is off to the side somewhere.
During runtime the pixel data is stored as an uint
value type. Once the analysis is complete, the values are casted to an int
value type to meet CLS Complaint.
Layouts and Systems
How the system works and reports data.
Some info about how the layouts types work.
Layout types to go in detail about
- Cube
- Horizontal
- Noraml
- Ortho
This package requires Unity 2021.x +
This pacakge can be installed in couple of different ways. I recommend for most users going with OpenUPM to add the package to your unity project.
installed using OpenUPM's CLI
$ openupm add com.sasaki.pixelfinder
Git Package
how to link the file with git URL
Git Fork
how to fork this repo and referencing to disk
Here are some handy examples that show how to use the package in your own unity project
Running with the editor
info about setting up a scene!
Using a Point Cloud
info about using a point cloud
Extending the System or Layouts
info about coding up some stuff!
Using the UI
info about using raw images and data types
This package is licensed and supported by Sasaki Associates