
4.2.3 • Public • Published

The stepper is part of the Gameface custom components suite. As most of the components in this suite it uses slots to allow dynamic content.


npm i coherent-gameface-stepper

Usage with UMD:

<script src="./node_modules/stepper/dist/stepper.production.min.js"></script>
  • add the stepper component to your html:
<stepper class="stepper-component"></stepper>

This is all! Load the file in Gameface to see the stepper.

Usage with JavaScript:

If you wish to import the Stepper using JavaScript you can remove the script tag and import it like this:

import { Stepper } from 'coherent-gameface-stepper';

or simply

import 'coherent-gameface-stepper';

Note that this approach requires a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup to resolve the modules from the node_modules folder.

Add the styles

<link rel="stylesheet" href="coherent-gameface-components-theme.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

To overwrite the default styles, simply create new rules for the class names that you wish to change and include them after the default styles.

Classes you can override

Class Name What it styles
guic-stepper The stepper element
guic-stepper-button The buttons that control the stepper
guic-stepper-button:hover The style while hovering on the button
guic-stepper-button:active The style while pressing the button
guic-stepper-left::after The left button. Change the content to change the button type or add an image
guic-stepper-right::after The right button. Change the content to change the button type or add an image
guic-stepper-value The container of the value of the stepper

Load the HTML file in Gameface to see the stepper.

How to use

To use add to your html code the following


before v.4.0.0

Add your stepper options using the <gameface-stepper-item> element. If there is one or no values, it will default to true and false.

To set a default selected value add the selected attribute to the <gameface-stepper-item> element, otherwise it will select the first option.

    <gameface-stepper-item selected>Easy</gameface-stepper-item>

after v.4.0.0

To set a default value, add the value attribute to the <gameface-stepper> element, otherwise it will select the first option.

<gameface-stepper value="Legendary">

Dynamic properties

You can change runtime some properties of the stepper. For example you can set a different value or change the options of the stepper.

const stepper = document.querySelector('gameface-stepper');
stepper.items = ['Creative', ...stepper.items]; // This will add the 'Creative' option to the stepper as a first one
// This will change the value of the stepper to 'Medium'
stepper.value = 'Medium' // or stepper.setAttribute('value', 'Medium');


  1. Value is always a string that is a member of the items array. Setting a value from a different type or a string that is not a member of the items array will fallback to the first item of the items array. It is the same if the gameface-stepper has value attribute that is invalid on initialization. For example in the case below it will set Easy as a value to the stepper because the attribute value has value that is not Easy or Medium.

    <gameface-stepper value="invalid">
  2. Setting new options to the stepper component via items array should always happen with array with string values. Otherwise the operation will fail and not set the new items. Also if the current value of the stepper is not a member of the new options it will be automatically changed to the first option.

Controling the stepper from the JavaScript code

To control the stepper you must select using JS and then use the next and prev methods.

For example this is how you would control it using the keyboard left and right arrow keys:

const stepper = document.querySelector('gameface-stepper');

document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
    if (e.keyCode === 37) {

    if (e.keyCode === 39) {;

Accessing and modifying the stepper value

You can easily get the current value of the stepper by accessing the value property like:

const stepperValue = document.querySelector('gameface-stepper').value;

And if you ever need to manually set the current value of the stepper, you can do it like so:

document.querySelector('gameface-stepper').value = "Impossible";
//The new value must always be a member of the items array 
// If "Impossible" is not part of the array, the value will default to the first item.



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