
4.0.0 • Public • Published

The progress-bar is part of the Gameface custom components suite.


npm i coherent-gameface-progress-bar

Usage with UMD:

<script src="./node_modules/coherent-gameface-progress-bar/dist/progress-bar.production.min.js"></script>
  • add the progress-bar component to your html:

Configuration and usage is explained further down the document.

Usage with JavaScript:

If you wish to import the ProgressBar using JavaScript you can remove the script tag and import it like this:

import { ProgressBar } from 'coherent-gameface-progress-bar';

or simply

import 'coherent-gameface-progress-bar';

Note that this approach requires a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup to resolve the modules from the node_modules folder.

Configuration and Usage



The progress-bar has animation-duration attribute by which the animation duration between the start and the end target value is set. The value must be a positive number and it is used as milliseconds.

The attribute is optional and if not provided, there will be no animation when setting the new progress.

Here is an example:

<gameface-progress-bar animation-duration="2000"></gameface-progress-bar>

You can update it using the setAttribute method:

document.querySelector('gameface-progress-bar').setAttribute('animation-duration', 1000);

You can also set it using JS:

const progressBarOne = document.getElementById('progress-bar-one');
progressBarOne.animDuration = 5000;

Note that updating the animation-duration will start the animation from the beginning!


It specifies the progress that should be reached in percents. You can use it as an HTML attribute:

<gameface-progress-bar animation-duration="1000" target-value="60"></gameface-progress-bar>

You can update it using the setAttribute method:

document.querySelector('gameface-progress-bar').setAttribute('target-value', 100);

Or set it using JS object property accessors:

const progressBarOne = document.getElementById('progress-bar-one');
progressBarOne.targetValue = 100;

Add the Styles

<link rel="stylesheet" href="coherent-gameface-components-theme.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

To overwrite the default styles, simply create new rules for the class names that you wish to change and include them after the default styles.

Specifications Overview

  • The progress can be set in ascending or descending order.
  • Works with and without an animation (through the data-animation-duration attribute on the HTML element).
  • Provide values between 0 and 100. This is the target % to which the bar will animate.

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npm i coherent-gameface-progress-bar

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  • kaloyan.g
  • m.todorov
  • tony-gruev
  • veneta
  • coherent-labs