Implementation of parts of C's & C++'s numerics libraries in TypeScript/JavaScript.
These functions accept either a bigint
or an integer number
- Constants in the
The test coverage is a perfect 100% and enforced by the publishing and pull request verification workflows.
Contributions are welcomed! Feel free to make a pull request. Please add your name to contributors
in package.json
and run npm run build-and-verify
before submitting your PR. By making a pull request you agree to license your contribution under the CC0 license unless otherwise specified.
ESLint is used to enforce code quality and consistent formatting (with the help of Prettier). If ESLint complains when you run npm run build-and-verify
, you can run npm run lint-fix
to apply automatic fixes and and then fix the rest of the errors manually. I recommend configuring your IDE for ESLint and Prettier. If you are using Visual Studio Code, simply installing Microsoft's ESLint extension and the official Prettier extension takes care of that.