CloudFront Update tools
Simple CloudFront distribution config updator.
import CloudFrontUpdator from 'cloudfront-updator'
const client = new CloudFrontUpdator({
// You can define your expected the Distribution config
updator: (id, DistributionConfig) => {
DistributionConfig.Enabled = false
return DistributionConfig
// You can filter your distributions buy the function
filter: (distribution) => distribution.Status === 'deployed'
}, {
// Not running cloudfront.updateDistribution
debugMode: true | false, // [default] false
// How to update a several distribution, parallel is fast but sometime the AWS API will be throttle
taskType: 'parallel' | 'sequential', // [default] sequential
// If you want to enable / disable your distribution, you should set true
allowSensitiveAction: false, // [default] false
Update All Distributions
After configure the client, just run the method.
await client.updateAllDistribution()
// If you want to update distribution per 10 items.
await client.updateAllDistribution(10)
Upadte Specific Distribution
To run the task, we have to get the specific distribution object.
const {Distribution: dist} = await (new CloudFront()).getDistribution({Id: 'EXXXXXX'}).promise()
if (!dist) return
await client.updateDistribution(dist)
Debug / Dry run
import CloudFrontUpdator from 'cloudfront-updator'
const client = new CloudFrontUpdator({
// You can define your expected the Distribution config
updator: ({id, arn}, DistributionConfig) => {
DistributionConfig.HttpVersion = 'http2'
return DistributionConfig
// You can filter your distributions buy the function
filter: (distribution) => distribution.Status === 'deployed'
}, {
debugMode: true,
const {Distribution: dist} = await (new CloudFront()).getDistribution({Id: 'EXXXXXX'}).promise()
if (!dist) return
await client.updateDistribution(dist)
const diff = client.getDiff()
"added": {},
"deleted": {},
"updated": {
"HttpVersion": "http2"
// clone
$ git clone
$ cd cloudfront-updator
// setup
$ yarn
// Unit test
$ yarn test
$ yarn run test:watch
// Lint
$ yarn run lint
$ yarn run lint --fix
// Build
$ yarn run build
// Rebuild docs
$ yarn run doc
Commit message rule
The repository runs commitlint. We have to follow "Conventional Commit" to make a commit message.
$ git commit -m "<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer]"