CloudSmlApi - JavaScript client for cloud_sml_api CloudSML is a next-generation Data Mining platform by Salford Systems. This is an online and interactive documentation for CloudSML RESTful API. Here you can check out what kind of information you can have and what actions you can do. You can generate a client library from the provided OpenAPI Specification using codegen tool. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install cloud_sml_api --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var CloudSmlApi = ; var defaultClient = CloudSmlApiApiClientinstance; // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2_passwordvar oauth2_password = defaultClientauthentications'oauth2_password';oauth2_passwordaccessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN" var api = var defaultScopes = "defaultScopes_example"; // {[String]} var opts = 'redirectUris': "redirectUris_example" // {[String]} ; var { if error console; else console; };api;
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CloudSmlApi.AuthApi | createOauthClient | POST /auth/oauth2_clients/ | Create a new OAuth2 Client |
CloudSmlApi.AuthApi | getOAuth2Clients | GET /auth/oauth2_clients/ | List of OAuth2 Clients |
CloudSmlApi.AuthApi | optionsOAuth2Clients | OPTIONS /auth/oauth2_clients/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | createDataSource | POST /data/sources/ | Add a new data source |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | createDataSourceColumn | POST /data/sources/{data_source_id}/columns/ | Create DataSourceColumn (action may be performed by Computational Backend) |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | createDataTransformation | POST /data/transformations/ | Make a new data transformation |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | deleteDataSourceById | DELETE /data/sources/{data_source_id} | Delete a data source by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | deleteDataTransformationById | DELETE /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id} | Delete a data transformation by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataSourceById | GET /data/sources/{data_source_id} | Get data source details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataSourceColumns | GET /data/sources/{data_source_id}/columns/ | Get data source predictors list by data source ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataSources | GET /data/sources/ | List of data sources |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataTransformationById | GET /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id} | Get data transformation details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataTransformationMaterializationById | GET /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id}/data.{export_format} | Preview Data Transformation |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getDataTransformations | GET /data/transformations/ | List of data transformations |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | getExportDataTransformationById | GET /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id}.{export_format} | Get Data Transformation in specified format |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataSourceById | OPTIONS /data/sources/{data_source_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataSourceColumns | OPTIONS /data/sources/{data_source_id}/columns/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataSources | OPTIONS /data/sources/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataTransformationById | OPTIONS /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataTransformationMaterializationById | OPTIONS /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id}/data.{export_format} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsDataTransformations | OPTIONS /data/transformations/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsExportDataTransformationById | OPTIONS /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id}.{export_format} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | optionsMaterializedDataTransformationById | OPTIONS /data/transformations/exported/{exported_data_transformation_id}/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | patchDataSourceById | PATCH /data/sources/{data_source_id} | Modify data source details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | patchDataTransformationById | PATCH /data/transformations/{data_transformation_id} | Modify data transformation details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.DataApi | patchMaterializedDataTransformationById | PATCH /data/transformations/exported/{exported_data_transformation_id}/ | Patch MaterializedDataTransformation to change status and put proper SeaweedFS File ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | deletePredictiveEnsembleById | DELETE /predictive_analytics/ensembles/{predictive_ensemble_id} | Delete a predictive ensemble by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | deletePredictiveModelById | DELETE /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id} | Delete a predictive model by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | fitPredictiveModel | POST /predictive_analytics/models/ | Build a new predictive model |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveEnsembleById | GET /predictive_analytics/ensembles/{predictive_ensemble_id} | Get predictive ensemble details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveEnsembles | GET /predictive_analytics/ensembles/ | List of predictive ensembles |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveModelById | GET /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id} | Get predictive model details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveModelExportById | GET /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}.{export_format} | Export a model |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveModelOptimalPerformanceStats | GET /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}/optimal_performance_stats | Get Optimal Performance Stats for specific Predictive Model by its ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveModelPerformanceStats | GET /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}/performance_stats | Get Performance Stats for specific Predictive Model by its ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | getPredictiveModels | GET /predictive_analytics/models/ | List of predictive models |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsExportedPredictiveModelById | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/exported_predictive_model/{exported_predictive_model_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveEnsembleById | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/ensembles/{predictive_ensemble_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveEnsembles | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/ensembles/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveModelById | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveModelExportById | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}.{export_format} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveModelOptimalPerformanceStats | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}/optimal_performance_stats | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveModelPerformanceStats | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id}/performance_stats | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | optionsPredictiveModels | OPTIONS /predictive_analytics/models/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | patchExportedPredictiveModelById | PATCH /predictive_analytics/models/exported_predictive_model/{exported_predictive_model_id} | Patch ExportedPredictiveModel to change status and put proper SeeweedFS File ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | patchPredictiveEnsembleById | PATCH /predictive_analytics/ensembles/{predictive_ensemble_id} | Modify predictive ensemble details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | patchPredictiveModelById | PATCH /predictive_analytics/models/{predictive_model_id} | Modify predictive model details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.Predictive_analyticsApi | postPredictiveEnsembles | POST /predictive_analytics/ensembles/ | Create a new predictive ensemble |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | deleteScoringById | DELETE /scorings/{scoring_id} | Delete a scoring by ID |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | getScoringById | GET /scorings/{scoring_id} | Get scoring details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | getScorings | GET /scorings/ | List of scorings |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | optionsScoringById | OPTIONS /scorings/{scoring_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | optionsScorings | OPTIONS /scorings/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | patchScoringById | PATCH /scorings/{scoring_id} | Modify scoring details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.ScoringsApi | scoringModel | POST /scorings/ | Score a model |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | createUser | POST /users/ | Create a new user |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | getUserById | GET /users/{user_id} | Get user details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | getUserMe | GET /users/me | Get current user details |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | getUserSignupForm | GET /users/signup_form | Get signup form keys |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | getUsers | GET /users/ | List of users |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | optionsUserById | OPTIONS /users/{user_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | optionsUserMe | OPTIONS /users/me | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | optionsUserSignupForm | OPTIONS /users/signup_form | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | optionsUsers | OPTIONS /users/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.UsersApi | patchUserById | PATCH /users/{user_id} | Patch user details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | addWorkspaceMember | POST /workspaces/{workspace_id}/members/ | Add a new member to a workspace |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | createWorkspace | POST /workspaces/ | Create a new workspace |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | deleteWorkspaceById | DELETE /workspaces/{workspace_id} | Delete a workspace by ID |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | deleteWorkspaceMemberById | DELETE /workspaces/{workspace_id}/members/{user_id} | Remove a member from a workspace |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | getWorkspaceById | GET /workspaces/{workspace_id} | Get workspace details by ID |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | getWorkspaceMembers | GET /workspaces/{workspace_id}/members/ | Get workspace members by workspace ID |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | getWorkspaces | GET /workspaces/ | List of workspaces |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | optionsWorkspaceById | OPTIONS /workspaces/{workspace_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | optionsWorkspaceMemberById | OPTIONS /workspaces/{workspace_id}/members/{user_id} | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | optionsWorkspaceMembers | OPTIONS /workspaces/{workspace_id}/members/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | optionsWorkspaces | OPTIONS /workspaces/ | Check which methods are allowed |
CloudSmlApi.WorkspacesApi | patchWorkspaceById | PATCH /workspaces/{workspace_id} | Patch workspace details by ID |
Documentation for Models
- CloudSmlApi.BaseDataSource
- CloudSmlApi.BaseDataSourceColumn
- CloudSmlApi.BaseDataSourceCreator
- CloudSmlApi.BaseDataTransformation
- CloudSmlApi.BaseDataTransformationDataSource
- CloudSmlApi.BaseExportedPredictiveModel
- CloudSmlApi.BaseMaterializedDataTransformation
- CloudSmlApi.BaseOAuth2Client
- CloudSmlApi.BasePredictiveEnsemble
- CloudSmlApi.BasePredictiveModel
- CloudSmlApi.BasePredictiveModelDataTransformation
- CloudSmlApi.BasePredictiveModelOptimalPerformanceStats
- CloudSmlApi.BasePredictiveModelPerformanceStats
- CloudSmlApi.BaseScoring
- CloudSmlApi.BaseScoringDataTransformation
- CloudSmlApi.BaseScoringPredictiveModel
- CloudSmlApi.BaseUser
- CloudSmlApi.BaseWorkspace
- CloudSmlApi.BaseWorkspaceMember
- CloudSmlApi.BaseWorkspaceMemberWorkspace
- CloudSmlApi.Body
- CloudSmlApi.Body1
- CloudSmlApi.Body2
- CloudSmlApi.Body3
- CloudSmlApi.Body4
- CloudSmlApi.Body5
- CloudSmlApi.Body6
- CloudSmlApi.DataTransformationMaterializationSchema
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedDataSource
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedDataTransformation
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedOAuth2Client
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedPredictiveEnsemble
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedPredictiveModel
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedScoring
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedUser
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedWorkspace
- CloudSmlApi.DetailedWorkspaceMembers
- CloudSmlApi.ExportedDataTransformationSchema
- CloudSmlApi.HTTPError401
- CloudSmlApi.HTTPError403
- CloudSmlApi.HTTPError404
- CloudSmlApi.HTTPError409
- CloudSmlApi.HTTPError422
- CloudSmlApi.PredictiveModelExportSchema
- CloudSmlApi.UserSignupForm
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: password
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- auth:read: Provide access to auth details
- auth:write: Provide write access to auth details
- data_sources:read: Provide access to data sources
- data_sources:write: Provide write access to data sources
- data_transformations:read: Provide access to data transformations
- data_transformations:write: Provide write access to data transformations
- predictive_ensembles:read: Provide access to predictive ensembles
- predictive_ensembles:write: Provide write access to predictive ensembles
- predictive_models:read: Provide access to predictive models
- predictive_models:write: Provide write access to predictive models
- scorings:read: Provide access to scorings
- scorings:write: Provide write access to scorings
- users:read: Provide access to user details
- users:write: Provide write access to user details
- workspaces:read: Provide access to workspace details
- workspaces:write: Provide write access to workspace details