
1.0.0 • Public • Published


cloob is a simple database migration tool and API. It merely executes a well ordered set of standard SQL scripts. It targets the PostgreSQL database server, but any database is possible given the right query method.

All operations are performed within a transaction. If there is and error at any point during the migration process then the transaction will be rolled back. Once the migrations have been applied, and the status table (cloob_migrations) has been updated, the transaction will be committed.

If you need to use transactions within your migration scripts you should use savepoints.

Migrations Directory

A migrations directory consists of a set of SQL scripts, i.e. "migration files". Migration file names must match the format YYYY.MM.DD<+nnn>-(up|down)<-[A-Za-z0-9]>.sql:

  • YYYY.MM.DD: required date stamp
  • <+nnn>: optional sequential ordering number to differentiate multiple migrations created on the same day
  • -(up|down): required migration direction indicator
  • <-[A-Za-z0-9]>: optional descriptive tag (not used by cloob, it's merely for the user's benefit when viewing the directory)

For example, the following are all valid:

  • 2016.12.06-up.sql and 2016.12.06-down.sql
  • 2016.12.06+1-up.sql and 2016.12.06+1-down.sql
  • 2016.12.06+002-up.sql and 2016.12.06+02-down.sql
  • 2016.12.06+3-up-foobar.sql and 2016.12.06+3-down-foobar.sql

Assuming a migrations directory contains all files in the above examples, the directory would be parsed into the object:

  '2016.12.06': {
    up: '/path/to/2016.12.06-up.sql',
    down: '/path/to/2016.12.06-down.sql'
  '2016.12.06-1': {
    up: '/path/to/2016.12.06+1-up.sql',
    down: '/path/to/2016.12.06+1-down.sql'
  '2016.12.06-2': {
    up: '/path/to/2016.12.06+002-up.sql',
    down: '/path/to/2016.12.06+02-down.sql'
  '2016.12.06-3': {
    up: '/path/to/2016.12.06+3-up-foobar.sql',
    down: '/path/to/2016.12.06+3-down-foobar.sql'

Notice that 002 is equivalent to 02 is equivalent to 2. This object will then be iterated to apply the migrations, starting from the first migration that has not been applied for up migrations. For down migrations the procedure will start with the most recently applied.

There must be a corresponding down file for every up file. If a migration is missing a direction then the migration procedure will not be executed.


cloob provides a command line interface. The options are:

  • --config <file> (-c): JSON or JS config file that exports a pg connection configuration object.
  • --direction <up|down> (-d): the migration direction to apply. Default: up.
  • --debug (-D): enable verbose logging
  • --end <id> (-e): migration identifier to stop with
  • --migrations <path> (m): location of the migrations directory to apply. Default: ./migrations.

The config parameter is required. The most basic config file would be:

  "user": "dbuser"

Or, if you need to connect to a different database than the environment's user database:

  "user": "dbuser",
  "database": "some_other_db"

And running the migrations:

cloob -c ./config.json


const pg = require('pg')
const client = new pg.Client()
const cloob = require('cloob')({
  query: client.query.bind(client),
  logger: require('pino')({level: 'debug'}) // optional `abstract-logging` compliant logger
// {
//   loadMigrations (string: directoryPath, function: callback),
//   migrateUp (object: migrations, [string: stopAt]) => Promise(applied, error),
//   migrateDown (object: migrations, [string: stopAt]) => Promise(applied, error)
// }

The query property is required. It must be a function that has the signature query(string, callback). The callback must have the signature callback(err, results), where results, on a successful SELECT, is an object like:

  rows: [
    {colName: 'value'}

Logging by cloob uses the following guidelines:

  • trace is the default level used for general messages
  • error is used to log error messages, i.e. (new Error('foo')).message
  • debug is used to print stack traces associted with errors

Logs will not be printed unless a logger instance is supplied. The default logger used by cloob is a no operation logger.


  • directoryPath (string): path to a directory containing migration files
  • callback (function): will be invoked after the migrations have loaded. The callback has an error parameter and a migrations parameter

This method must be invoked prior to migrateUp or migrateDown. It reads a specified migrations directory, builds a migrations object (as described in Migrations Directory), and returns the object.

cloob.loadMigrations('/some/migrations/dir', (err, migrations) => {
  if (err) throw err


This method is used to apply a set of migrations in the forward direction, e.g. from nothing to complete.

  • migrations (object): a migrations object as returned by loadMigrations
  • stopAt (string) [optional]: a migration identifier, e.g. 2016.12.07-2, to stop the migrations with. The named migration will be included
  • returns Promise: resolution includes an applied parameter that will be an array of migration identifiers that were applied, e.g. ['2016.12.07-1', '2016.12.07-2']
  .then((applied) => console.log(`${applied.length} migrations were applied`))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err.message))


This method is used to apply a set of migrations in the reverse direction, e.g. from complete to nothing.

  • migrations (object): a migrations object as returned by loadMigrations
  • stopAt (string) [optional]: a migration identifier, e.g. 2016.12.07-2, to stop the migrations with. The named migration will be included
  • returns Promise: resolution includes an applied parameter that will be an array of migration identifiers that were applied, e.g. ['2016.12.07-2', '2016.12.07-1']
  .then((applied) => console.log(`${applied.length} migrations were reversed`)
  .catch((err) => console.error(err.message))


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  • jsumners