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CLI output formatting tools: "Your CLI Formatting Friend".

Installing clifflite

  [sudo] npm install clifflite


There are a number of methods available in Cliff for common logging tasks in command-line tools. If you're looking for more usage, checkout the [examples in this repository][3]:

  1. Logging rows of data
  2. Inspecting Objects

Logging rows of data

cliff.stringifyRows(rows[, colors])

Takes a set of Arrays and row headers and returns properly formatted and padded rows. Here's a sample:

  var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
  var rows = [
    ['Name',  'Flavor',    'Dessert'],
    ['Alice', 'cherry',    'yogurt'],
    ['Bob',   'carmel',    'apples'],
    ['Joe',   'chocolate', 'cake'],
    ['Nick',  'vanilla',   'ice cream']
  console.log(cliff.stringifyRows(rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']));

output from string-rows.js

cliff.putRows(level, rows[, colors])

The putRows method is a simple helper that takes a set of Arrays and row headers and logs properly formatted and padded rows (logs stringifyRows to winston). Here's a quick sample:

  var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
  var rows = [
    ['Name',  'Flavor',    'Dessert'],
    ['Alice', 'cherry',    'yogurt'],
    ['Bob',   'carmel',    'apples'],
    ['Joe',   'chocolate', 'cake'],
    ['Nick',  'vanilla',   'ice cream']
  cliff.putRows('data', rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']);

The resulting output on the command-line would be:

output from put-rows.js

cliff.stringifyObjectRows(objs, properties[, colors]) used to be: cliff.rowifyObjects(objs, properties, colors)

Takes a set of Objects and the properties to extract from them and returns properly formatted and padded rows. Here's a sample:

  var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
  var objs = [], obj = {
    name: "bazz",
    address: "1234 Nowhere Dr.",
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      address: obj.address,
      id: Math.random().toString()
  console.log(cliff.stringifyObjectRows(objs, ['id', 'name', 'address'], ['red', 'blue', 'green']));

output from string-object-rows.js

cliff.putObjectRows(level, objs, properties[, colors])

Takes a set of Objects and the properties to extract from them and it will log to the console. (it prints stringifyObjectRows with winston). Here's a sample:

  var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
  var objs = [], obj = {
    name: "bazz",
    address: "1234 Nowhere Dr.",
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      address: obj.address,
      id: Math.random().toString()
  cliff.putObjectRows('data', objs, ['id', 'name', 'address']);

output from string-object-rows.js

Colors Parameter

The colors parameter is an array that colors the first row. It uses the [colors.js][2]. You can use any of those.

  var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
  var rows = [
    ['Name',        'Flavor',              'Dessert'],
    ['Alice'.grey,  'cherry'.cyan,         'yogurt'.yellow],
    ['Bob'.magenta, 'carmel'.rainbow,      'apples'.white],
    ['Joe'.italic,  'chocolate'.underline, 'cake'.inverse],
    ['Nick'.bold,   'vanilla',             'ice cream']
  cliff.putRows('data', rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']);

The resulting output on the command-line would be:

output from puts-rows-colors.js

Run Tests

All of the cliff tests are written in [vows][4], and cover all of the use cases described above.

  npm test


Clifflite is the swiss army knife of CLI formatting tools. It is based on highly flexible and powerful libraries:

  • colors: Get colors in your node.js console like what

Author: Charlie Robbins



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