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Class driven component framework

classcaps is a framework for creating UI Component based on HTML classes.

classcaps encourages the use of MVP design pattern. Components work as Presenter and Dom Elements work as (Passive) View of MVP. See the below for details.

classcaps doesn't encourage the use of virtual dom for updating the dom tree, rather it recommends updating dom using native DOM API.


  • It's an UI framework.
  • Works well with real DOM APIs. Plays nice with jQuery or Umbrella.
  • no virtual dom, no template, no rendering
  • small APIs: 5 apis & 4 decorators
  • small size: 1.2KB gzipped

The timer

The timer example:


<span class="timer"></span>
<script src="path/to/classcaps.js"></script>
class Timer {
  __init__ () {
    this.secondsElapsed = 0
   * Starts the timer.
  start () {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => { this.tick() }, 1000)
   * Ticks the timer.
  tick () {
    this.el.textContent = `Seconds Elapsed: ${this.secondsElapsed}`
   * Stops the timer.
  stop () {
cc.def('timer', Timer)

See the working demo.

The concept

A class-component (or classcaps component) is a combination of element and coelement:



  • element is the usual dom element.
    • <span class="timer"></span> in the timer example
  • coelement is JavaScript class which defines the behaviour of the special functions of the class-component.
    • class Timer {...} in the timer example.

classcaps is responsible for the transition from the usual dom to a class-component.


Register your class-component

You can register the class-component of the given name like this:

cc.def('component-name', ComponentClass)

By the above call, dom elements which have class="component-name" are automatically initialized with ComponentClass.

What happens when a class-component is initialized

The followings are exact steps when a class-component is initialized.

const coelem = new ComponentClass() // The constructor is called with the element.
// Sets the element to the coelement
coelem.el = el
// Adds event listeners
el.addEventListener(givenEvent, givenListener) // for each event/listener pair
// Adds initialized mark
el.classList.add(`${componentName}-initialized`) // The element is marked `initialized`.
el['__coelement:' + componentName] = coelem // The coelement is stored in the element.

where el is the dom element which is initialized, ComponentClass is the registered coelement class and componentName is the registered component name.


this.el is HTMLElement which is associated with the coelement.

💿 Install

Via npm

npm install --save classcaps


const cc = require('classcaps')

Via file

Download classcaps.min.js Then:

<script src="path/to/classcaps.js"></script>


const cc = require('classcaps')
  • cc.def(name, constructor)
    • Registers class-component.
  • cc.init(name[, element])
    • Initializes class-component on the range.
  • cc.el(name, element)
    • Initializes the element with the class-component of the given name.
  • cc.get(name, element)
    • Gets the coelement instance from the given element.
  • $
    • Initializes the element as class-component.
  • $
    • Gets the coelement of the element.
  • $ deprecated
    • Initializes the element as a class-component.

cc namespace

cc.def(name, constructor)

  • @param {string} name The class name of the component
  • @param {Function} constructor The constructor of the coelement of the component

This registers constructor as the constructor of the coelement of the class component of the given name name. The constructor is called with a jQuery object of the dom as the first parameter and the instance of the coelement is attached to the dom. The instance of coelement can be obtained by calling


class TodoItem {
  // ...behaviours...
cc.def('todo-item', TodoItem)
<li class="todo-item"></li>

cc.init([name], [element])

  • @param {string} [name] The class-component name to intialize
  • @param {HTMLElement} [element] The range to initialize

This initializes the class components of the given name in the given element. If the element is omitted, it initializes them in the entire page. If the name is omitted, then it initializes all the registered class components.

cc.el(name, element)

  • @param {string} name The class-component name to initialize
  • @param {HTMLElement} element The element to initialize

Initializes the element as the class-component.

cc.el('timer', dom)

The above initializes dom as timer class-component.

cc.get(name, element)

  • @param {string} name The class-component name to get
  • @param {HTMLElement} element The element
  • @return The coelement instance

Gets the coelement instance from the element.

const timer = cc.get('timer', dom)

The above gets Timer class instance (coelement) from dom. In this case, dom need to be initialized as timer class-component before this call.

$ namespace

These APIs are available via jQuery selection object's .cc property like $('<div />').cc('timer') or $('#main').cc.get('app').


  • @param {string} name The class-component name to initialize
  • @return {jQuery}

This initializes the class-compenents of the given name on the element and returns the element itself.

$('<div />').cc('timer').cc('modal').appendTo('body')

The above example creates a div element, initializes it as timer and modal class components, and appends it to the body.


This initializes all the class component on the element which it already has. This returns the the element (jquery-wrapped) itself.


$('<div class="timer modal"/>').cc().appendTo('body')

The above example is the same as the previous one.


const div = $('<div/>')
classes.forEach(cls => div.addClass(cls))'body')

The above example creates a div element and initializes all the classes in classes variable on in.


  • @param {string} name The class name of the component

This gets the coelement of the component of the given name if exists. It throws if none.

const todoItem = $'todo-item');
todoItem.update({id: 'milk', title: 'Buy a milk'});

$ (deprecated)

This initializes the $dom as a class component of the given name. It throws an error if the class component of the given name isn't available.

This returns the instance of class-component class, not a dom element itself. If you want to get the dom element (jquery wrapped), use $

  • @param {string} name - The class name of the component
// Creates `todo-app` in #main
$('<div />').appendTo('#main').cc.init('todo-app')

In the above example, <div> is appended and it is initialized as todo-app class-component. (todo-app class is automcatically added)


There are 4 decorators.

  • @component
    • optionally @component(name)
  • @on(event, {at})
  • @emit(event)
    • optionally @emit.last(event)
  • @wire
    • optionally @wire(name, [selector])


cc.component(className) is class decorator. With this decorator, you can regiter the js class as class component.

This is a shorthand of $.cc('component', Component).

const { component } = cc
class Timer {

The above registers Timer class as timer component.


cc.component is similar to the above. This decorator registers the js class as the class component of the same name. If the js class is in CamelCase, then the component name is made kebab-cased.

const { component } = cc
class Timer {} // This registers Timer class as `timer` component
class FooBar {} // This registers FooBar class as `foo-bar` component


cc.on is a method decorator. With this decorator, you can register the method as the event handler of the element.

const { on } = cc
class Btn {
  onClick (e) {
cc.def('btn', Btn)

The above binds onClick method to its element's 'click' event automatically.

The above is equivalent of:

class Btn {
  __init__ () {
    this.el.addEventListener('click', e => {
  onClick (e) {
cc.def('btn', Btn)

@on(name, { at: selector })

cc.on(name, { at: selector }) is a method decorator. It's similar to cc.on, but it only handles the event from selector in the component.

const { on } = cc
class Btn {
  @on('click', { at: '.btn' })
  onBtnClick (e) {
cc.def('btn', Btn)

In the above example, onBtnClick method listens to the click event of the .btn element in the Btn's element.


cc.emit() is a method decorator. This decorator makes the method trigger the given event at the start of the method. The first parameter of the method is passed as event.detail object.

const { emit } = cc
class Manager {
  start () {
cc.def('manager', Manager)

The above start method automatically triggers manager.started event at the begining of the method process.

The above is equivalent of:

class Manager {
  start () {
    this.$el.trigger('manager.started', arguments)
cc.def('manager', Manager)


cc.emit.last(eventName) is similar to cc.emit(), but it triggers the event at the last of the method.

const { emit } = cc
class Manager {
  start() {
cc.def('manager', Manager)

In the above example, start method triggers the manager.ended event when it finished. The returns value of the method is passed as the second arguments of the event handler.

If the method returns a promise, then the event is triggered after the promise is resolved.

const { emit } = cc
class Manager {
  start () {
    return promise
cc.def('manager', Manager)

In the above example, manager.ended event is triggered after promise is resolved. The resolved value of the promise is passed as the second argument of the event handler.


@wire is a getter decorator. If a getter is decorated by this, it returns the class component of the name of the decorated method.

const { wire, component } = require('class-component')
class Foo {
  @wire get bar () {}
  processBar () {
class Bar {
  process () {
    console.log('processing bar!')
$('body').append('<div class="foo"><div class="bar"></div></div>')

In the above situation, the getter bar of Foo class is wired to bar component inside the foo component. Technically accessing bar property almost equals to the call of this.$el.find('.bar').cc.get('bar'). With the above settings you can call the following:


And the above prints processing bar!.

When the decorated getter name is in CamelCase, then it's replaced by the kebab-cased version. For example, the expression @wire get primaryButton wires to primary-button component, not to primaryButton component. If you need to wire it to primaryButton component, then use the one below.


This is also a getter decorator. The difference is that @wire(className) specify the wired class component name explicitly (className).

const { wire, component } = require('classcaps')
class Foo {
  @wire('long-name-component') get it () {}
class LongNameComponent {
  process () {
    console.log('processing long name component!')
$('body').append('<div class="foo"><div class="long-name-component"></div></div>')

With the above settings, you can call the following:


And this prints processing long name component.

@wire and @wire(name) decorators are convenient when you nest the class components and parents ask children do the jobs.




  • 2017-01-17 v0.1.1 Rename to classcaps. Add plugin system.

History of class-component.js (former project)

  • 2017-01-02 v13.0.0 Add init instead of init.
  • 2017-01-01 v12.1.1 Fix bug of event bubbling.
  • 2017-01-01 v12.1.0 Remove @emit.first. Use native dispatchEvent.
  • 2016-12-31 v12.0.0 Remove cc_init feature. Add init feature.
  • 2016-09-30 v10.7.1 Refactor @emit.last decorator
  • 2016-09-11 v10.7.0 Add @on(event, {at}) @emit.first and @emit.last
  • 2016-08-22 v10.6.2 Refactor the entrypoint.
  • 2016-08-22 v10.6.1 Improved the event listener registration process.
  • 2016-08-20 v10.6.0 Cleaned up some private APIs.
  • 2016-08-20 v10.5.0 Cleaned up codebase and made the bundle smaller. Remove some private APIs.
  • 2016-08-17 v10.4.1 Made built version smaller.
  • 2016-08-16 v10.4.0 Switched to babel-preset-es2015-loose.
  • 2016-08-16 v10.3.0 Modified bare @wire decorator.
  • 2016-08-02 v10.2.0 Added bare @component decorator.
  • 2016-07-21 v10.1.0 Added @wire decorator.
  • 2016-06-19 v10.0.0 Removed deprecated decorators @event and @trigger, use @on and @emit instead.
  • 2016-06-09 v9.2.0 Fixed bug of @emit().last decorator.

The user projects

The projects which uses class-component.js.


The name

classcaps = class + capsule.

Why 'coelement'

co- means the dual or the other aspect of something like cosine to sine cotangent to tangent etc. Coelement is the other aspect of element and it works together in the 1-to-1 relationship and in the same lifecycle with the element.


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  • 0.1.0

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