Auto Correct City Names (Indian cities, for now)
Auto Correct City names (AutoCorrects Top Indian Cities, for Now), Give a incorrect city name and get the most relevant city name from the list of the cities.
- Install NPM Package:
npm i cities-auto-correct -s
- Require the
in your Node Project
var autoCorrect = require('Cities-AutoCorrect');
console.log(autoCorrect('Chenai')); // { city: 'Chennai' }
console.log(autoCorrect('deli')); // { city: 'Delhi' }
Clone this repo to your desktop and run npm install
to install all the dependencies. Install express
and add the server code to run server to log the results.
Install nodemon
to auto restart the server for all file changes.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Feel Free to point an issue or request additional feature