Apickli is a REST API integration testing framework based on cucumber.js.
It provides a gherkin framework and a collection of utility functions to make API testing easy and less time consuming.
Apickli is also available as an NPM package.
Cucumber.js is JavaScript & Node.js implementation of Behaviour Driven Development test framework - Cucumber. Cucumber.js is using Gherkin language for describing the test scenarios in BDD manner.
This version has been forked from apickli@1.7.4 to support schema validation against a response body path, namely to support validating Fhir resources within a Fhir bundle.
The following gherkin expressions have been modified:
response body should be valid according to schema file (.*)
response body should validate against schema file (.*)
response body path (.*) should validate against schema file (.*)
Definition was changed from should be valid to should validate against to maintain consistency with the beginning of the step definitions ("response body" and "response body path"). This was due to amgiuous step definition errors when attempting to create the definition response body path (.*) should be valid:
Multiple step definitions match:
/^response body path (.*) should be ((?!of type).+)$/ - target\test\integration\features\step_definitions\apickli-gherkin.js:208
/^response body path (.*) should be valid according to schema file (.*)$/ - target\test\integration\features\step_definitions\apickli-gherkin.js:257
The original apickli can be found here.