
1.1.2 • Public • Published


A NODE JS express server proxy, that's set as easy as a cake.

Hosting your server in a different location and need to access the data is only available in your location, this is a goto solution if you want to set your proxies for FREE * ..

(* Free) ~ You have to use your resources to login to your server proxy room and set them up, and nothing much 😸.

A Quick overview


  • v1.1.2 ~ stable pre-alpha
    • Support for Arrays in getProxiedData()


  • The main idea is to use your own device IP in the location you need and access the data, and proxy them back to the server at a different location.
  • Secondly it uses your own resources for proxying the data, so no worries about data leaks, (note : YOUR DEVICE IP will not be altered, so they remain visible.)


  • The main idea behind CASSATA is to wrap your sever with the IP of your local machine or mobile phone to access the data.


  • [x] Support for GET Requests
  • [x] Support for JSON
  • [x] getProxiedData() supports Array of urls
  • [ ] Support for POST Requests

#f03c15 Depricated on Mobile

  • It is advised to access the proxy with a computer, as persisting sessions with mobile phones for prolonged periods are not advisible and feasible, The feature is present with the current version, and will be removed in future versions.


npm i --save cassata

Setting the PROXY (server) 👨‍💻

  • IMPORT the package.

    let cassata = require('cassata');

    • Make sure you change the default proxy room auth details. By Default
      • PROXY ID : 12345
      • PASSWORD : admin


    • cassata.proxySettings

    cassata.proxySettings.roomId = "Your Room ID";
    cassata.proxySettings.password = "Your Password";
  • Create your express server with all the required fields,

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // ... your declarations
    app.get('routes', async(req, res)=>{});
  • Accessing the data through proxy.

    • cassata.getProxiedData(url, timeout)

    • !! Important Make sure you connect to the proxy before making API calls through cassata.getProxiedData()

    • Parameters

      • url : The. url can be a string or an Array of strings, the end URL when accessed must yield a JSON.

      • timeout *optional : number :: The timeout to wait for response from proxy client DEFAULT : 8000ms.

    • Returns Object {success, data}

      • success : true on success || false on error
      • data : Response from proxy on success || Error on failure
    • You can wrap the method inside a get request and wait for it, or also have seperate method and call them.
    • Method 1
      app.get("/samplRoute", async(req, res)=>{
              const response = await cassata.getProxiedData("the url that you want to hit");
              // process the response.
          } catch (error) {
              // Error handling, Cassata will return an error
    • Method 2 (Feasible for accessing data on intervals)
      //Creating an async function, 
      async function foo(){
              const response = await cassata.getProxiedData("the url that you want to hit");
              // process the response.
          } catch (error) {
              // Error handling, Cassata will return an error
      // Call the function foo(url) with a await call 'await foo(url)' at your will, and get the data.
    • Usage with loops, or continuous data fetch

      • Create an Array of url's and pass them to the getProxiedData function, and make sure to await for the results.

      // Prepare the array of urls that you need to get the data from the proxy client
      let urlsArr = ["https://", "https://"] //Array of urls
      app.get("/vaccine", async (req, res) => {
          try {
              // Pass the Array in the method to get the results in the order you passed in
              let results = await cassata.getProxiedData(urlsArr)
              //Handle the results
          } catch (error) {
    • Example of Failure condition from proxy :

  • Checking if proxy client is connected

    • cassata.isProxyConnected()

      • Returns true/false on client connection status.

  • Final steps

    • *Make sure you add all the required data and set all the static files using express.static(), before calling this method.
    • cassata.createProxy(server)

      • server : The express app that you created,

      • Returns : Proxied server / false on error.

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // mention all middle wares
    // mention all your routes
    // mention all your static files
    app.use("/", express.static())
    // **** Initialize the proxy server ****
    let proxyServer = cassata.createProxy(app)
    proxyServer.listen(PORT, ()=>{
        console.log("Server started")
        // your initializations
        // !! Provide a buffer so you can get enough time to activate the proxy.
  • Complete Example

    //  Creating the express server
    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // Importing the Package
    const cassata = require("cassata");
    cassata.proxySettings.roomId = "@123$32";
    cassata.proxySettings.password = "$ource#12";
    // This will be your API end point that is only available in your location 
    const API_END_POINT = "https://*" 
    // Method 1 ~ Suitable for instant response.
    app.get("/", async (req, res)=>{
        console.log("This is from your get request section")
        try {
            const response = await cassata.getProxiedData(API_END_POINT);
            // Process the response object here : {success : boolean, data : Response from API_END_POINT}
        } catch (error) {
            // Handle your errors here
    // Method 2 ~ Suitable for making multiple API calls
    async function foo(url){
        try {
            const response = await cassata.getProxiedData(url);
        } catch (error) {
            return error;
    //  ** Now you can call the function foo(url) with a await call 'await foo(url)', at any point and get the response.
    // ** set your static files
    // After setting up all the static files, make sure you create the proxy server,
    let proxyServer = cassata.createProxy(app);
    proxyServer.listen(process.ENV.PORT || 5000, ()=>{
        console.log("Server started");
        // Your initializations
  • That's it you have your proxy server, and you can host it in any location. 🛰

Accessing the Proxy (Client) 🐱

  • Once you have hosted your server, you can visit the proxy server room by just adding /proxyrouter to the url of your server. Once done, this is what you will see.

  • CASSATA only allows one session per time, so once connected, another session of CASSATA will not be available until you terminate the session through RELOAD / Terminate Session.

    • Make sure you have your passwords safe, else you might want to change them in your server.

  • This is what it looks like on computers.

  • The mobile version.

  • !!! Make sure you only reload when you want to terminate the session. !!!

  • Once in, provide your credentials that you gave during the setup of the server

    • PROXY ID : roomId

    • PROXY Password : password

  • On successful connection with the server, you will get a circular indicator, stating the connection, IF(spin == true) : connection success 🎈.

    • The circular indicator states the connection is success
  • On completion until here, now your server will access the data using your IP (the device that you gave the credentials in), from the method cassata.getProxiedData()

  • You will be updated live, regarding the requests that your server is making,

    • The url will be displayed in the currently fetched section :
  • The session will be persistant until you wish to reload / Until your server is up / Or you wish to terminate the session though Terminate session.

background image of the proxyrouter : Designed by upklyak / Freepik

Kindly feel free to raise PR for new updates, and issues if any.

Thankyou 💚

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  • saran-surya