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1.8.4-BETA • Public • Published


This npm package allows you to transform your code into an Image, like:

This package can only run on the server side of your app.


You have to use your favorite package manager like npm, pnpm or yarn to install carbonimg.

npm i carbonimg@latest
pnpm i carbonimg@latest

carbonimg Uses the following packages: canvas, and prismjs. So the package is quite light by default.

Quick Example

const fs = require("node:fs");
const { Languages, render } = require("carbonimg");

const code = `
const pluckDeep = key => obj => key.split('.').reduce((accum, key) => accum[key], obj)

const compose = (...fns) => res => fns.reduce((accum, next) => next(accum), res)

const unfold = (f, seed) => {
  const go = (f, seed, acc) => {
    const res = f(seed)
    return res ? go(f, res[1], acc.concat([res[0]])) : acc
  return go(f, seed, [])
const out = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/test.jpeg');

const canvas = render(code, Languages.javascript); // Will return the Canvas image.
const stream = canvas.createJPEGStream({
    quality: 1,
    chromaSubsampling: false
out.on('finish', () =>  console.log('The JPEG file was created.'));

Render function:

render(code: string, language: Grammar, options?: Options): Canvas
  • code – The code you want to render.
  • language – The programming language used.
  • options - The options for the image.
    • title - The title of the window.
    • theme – The custom theme you want to apply to this image.
    • width – The custom with of the image (default: 750px)
    • lineNumbers - Enable the line number (default: false)
    • firstLineNumber - The number of the first line (default: 1)

Create theme:

Since version 1.4.0-BETA, you can create a theme with the constructor ThemeBuilder.

For example:

import { ThemeBuilder } from "carbonimg";

const theme = new ThemeBuilder();
theme.setColor("backgroundColor", "#28211cd0") // Set the new Window Background color
    .setColor("defaultForegroundColor", "#baae9e") // Set the default color of the text
    .setColor("keyword", "#5ea6ea") // Set the new 'keyword' color
    .setFontSize(20) // Set the font-size to 20.
    // /!\ The path is relative to the root of the project /!\
    .setFontFamily("Gravity", "default", "./Gravity-Light.otf") // Change the default font to Gravity-Light
    .setFontFamily("Gravity Italic", "italic", "./Gravity-Italic.otf") // Change the italic font (for Markdown) to Gravity-Italic
    .setFontFamily("Ubuntu", "bold") // Change the bold font (for Markdown) to Ubuntu Bold (by default installed on the system)
    // Need a valid color (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, et hsla are accepted)
    .setColor("string", "#54be0d")
    .setColor("titleColor", "rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)")
    // Change the background property (color, shadow, padding)
    .setBackgroundProperty("hasShadow", true);

// Now, use the theme :
const code = "const newVersion = 'My beautiful custom theme!';";
const out = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/code.jpeg');

const canvas = render(code, Languages.javascript, { theme: theme });
const stream = canvas.createJPEGStream({
    quality: 1,
    chromaSubsampling: false
out.on('finish', () =>  console.log('The image was successfully rendered!'));

The ThemeBuilder class can take an optional theme object as parameter, to avoid using the above methods.

But it is not possible to apply a custom font (a font file that is not installed as a font on the system) by this object.

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  • pioupia