This module builds a list of bullet links. If the index changes outside of this module, it is important to notify this module of the new index.
ES5 polyfills needed for Array.forEach
To get started
$ npm install c2-bullet-links
var BulletLinks = ;
Browser Global
Basic example
// How many bullet links do you want?var count = 6; // This wouldn't be necessary since all these options are the defaultsvar options = template: '<a href="#" {attribute}={status}><span class="Hidden">Go to item {index}</span></a>' target: '' attribute: 'data-status' active: 'active' inactive: 'inactive' initial: 0; var bullets = '#el' count options; bullets;
@param {jQuery} - element that the bullet links go inside
@param {Number} - the amount of items you want to generate
@param {Object} - object to change any of the default options
@return {Object} - instance of BulletLinks
@param {Number}
@return {Object} - instance of BulletLinks
@param {Function}
@return {Object} - instance of BulletLinks
@param {jQuery} - element you want to append all the bullets and container to @return {Object} - instance of BulletLinks
MIT © The C2 Group