
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Bundle your inter-dependent Javascript files in the correct order


npm install -g bundle-js

What It Does

Concatenates your Javascript files.

Just add require comments (// require ./dependecy.js) or (// include ./inc/smallfile.js) to your files and bundle-js will automatically concatenate every file that is needed by every file into one single bundled script.

It uses topological sorting to determine the order in which to concatenate so you don't have to worry about having anything undefined. However, as a result of this, bundle-js does NOT support circular dependencies.

The output is a single JS script that can be written to an output file.


Within your javascript files you can use comments to indicate what external files are needed by the current file.

  • Using // require ./path/to/file.js ensures that the "required" file comes before the current file in the final concatenated output. Use this when developing multi-file Javascript without any module loaders.
  • Using // include ./path/to/file.js includes the entirety of the file directly at the location of the comment. Useful for including small snippets of code within other code. Note: a file that is require-ed within a file that is include-ed, will still be placed at the top level of the bundled file. See include_b to avoid this behavior.
  • Using // include_b ./path/to/file.js includes the entirety of the file pre-bundled directly at the location of the comment. This is useful for wrapping an entire project in something such as an IIFE or to compile to a specific target such as for the browser or a node module.

Circular dependencies are not allowed (neither for requires or includes).

In order to require or include a file, you must begin the file path with ./, ../, or /. Otherwise, it will search for a node module. This is because file resolution is done using the resolve module, which implements the behavior of Node's require.resolve() (more information here).

Note: These are not case sensitive (ie. you can freely use REQUIRE, INCLUDE, INCLUDE_B)


  • entry: (required) the "entry point" - a single file path to start finding the dependencies from recursively
  • dest: (optional) the output file path
  • print: (optional) prints the output file to stdout if set to true
  • disable-beautify: (optional) bundle-js by default runs the final output through beautify; set this to true to disable this behavior

Command line:

Usage: bundle-js ./path/to/entryfile.js [-o ./path/to/outputfile] [-p]

  -o, --out, --dest   Output file                                          [default: "./bundlejs/output.js"]
  -p, --print         Print the final bundled output to stdout
  --disable-beautify  Leave the concatenated files as-is (might be ugly!)


const bundle = require('bundle-js')
let output = bundle({ entry : './index.js' })

Configuration options:

    entry : './index.js',
    dest : './bundle.js',
    print : false,
    disablebeautify : false

Simple Example

If in file A.js you have

// require ./B.js
console.log(b + ' world!');

and in file B.js

var b = 'Hello';

The final output is going to look like this

var b = 'Hello';
console.log(b + ' world!');

Wrapper Example

In file index.js you have

// require ./dep.js
// some code

in file dep.js

// this is a dependency

Using wrapper1.js

(function() {
    // include ./index.js

Will result in

// this is a dependency
(function() {
    // some code

However, using wrapper2.js

(function() {
    // include_b ./index.js

Will result in

(function() {
    // this is a dependency
    // some code


MIT License

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  • hugabor