Bump version
Bump the patch version number in the provided version_file
Bumps version numbers found after lines containing [bump]
Please use the js
branch that is faster and better.
- name: Bump version uses: remorses/bump-version@js with: version_file: ./VERSION env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Usage in a monorepo:
You can give a prefix to the tag, the action will relace version after line containing the pattern [bump if {prefix}]
Useful if you have many versions to bump.
- name: Bump versions uses: remorses/bump-version@js with: version_file: ./dir2/VERSION prefix: dir2 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}# will create the tag {prefix}_{version}
Usage with custom branch:
You can give prefixes to tags
- name: Bump version uses: remorses/bump-version@js with: version_file: ./dir2/VERSION prefix: dir2 env: BRANCH: custom_branchname GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Usage locally
if used as npm bin it won't push, do it manually locally
npm i -g bumpversions
INPUT_VERSION_FILE=versionpath bumpversions
git push
git push --tags