This module implements the Node transform stream interface. It is used to transform a stream into a chunk size of your choosing. It keeps an internal buffer and will spit out a chunk each time it fills up.
To install it simply run npm install bufferedsplitter
in a terminal.
The BufferedSplitter constructor takes three arguments. The chunkSize(number), the delimiter(string) and an optional defaultEncoding(string, defaults to 'utf-8').
This module has one base use-case; you want to stream a large file or network request chunk by chunk. You might for example have a large database dump that you want to split into smaller files where each item is seperated by a new line:
const fs = require('fs');
const BufferedSplitter = require('bufferedsplitter');
const splitter = new BufferedSplitter(20, '\n'); // The delimiter is \n but could be anything
.on('data', data => {
// data here will be a chunk of 20 items.
.on('finish', () => console.log('Stream finished.'));