Amazon Cognito Passwordless Auth
AWS Solution to implement Passwordless authenticaton with Amazon Cognito
Passwordless authentication improves security, reduces friction and provides better user experience for end-users of customer facing applications. Amazon Cognito provides features to implement custom authentication flows, which can be used to expand authentication factors for your application. This solution demonstrates several patterns to support passwordless authentication and provides reference implementations for these methods:
- FIDO2: aka WebAuthn, i.e. sign with Face, Touch, YubiKey, etc. This includes support for Passkeys.
- Magic Link Sign In: sign in with a one-time-use secret link that's emailed to you (and works across browsers).
- SMS based Step-Up auth: let an already signed-in user verify their identity again with a SMS One-Time-Password (OTP) without requiring them to type in their password.
The reference implementation of each of these auth methods uses several AWS resources. This solution contains both CDK code (TypeScript) for the back-end, as well as front-end code (TypeScript) to use in Web, React and React Native to help developers understand the building blocks needed and expand/adjust the solution as necessary.
IMPORTANT: This AWS Solution is for demonstration purposes and uses several AWS resources, it is intended for developers with moderate to advanced AWS knowledge. If you plan to use these methods in production, you need to review, adjust and extend the sample code as necessary for your requirements.
Video Introduction
Here's a short (11m41s) video that explains and demonstrates the solution:
FIDO2 / WebAuthn
This solution includes components that implement FIDO2 authentication, i.e. sign with Face, Touch, YubiKey, etc. This includes support for Passkeys:
Included sample React component, for adding/changing/deleting authenticators:
For more details, see FIDO2
Magic Link Sign In
This solution includes components to support signing-in with a Magic Link:
Example e-mail:
For more details, see Magic Links
SMS based Step-Up auth
This solution includes components to support step-up auth, using SMS One-Time-Password (OTP):
Example SMS:
For more details, see SMS OTP Step up
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Basic Usage
- React
- Features
- Security
- Usage with AWS Amplify
- Usage in (plain) Web
- Usage in React
- Usage in React Native
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- License
We've wrapped the sample code in a NPM package for convenient installation and use:
npm install amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth
Also, make sure to install the peer dependencies you need (e.g. React, AWS CDK).
Getting Started
To play around with the library we recommend you deploy the end-to-end example into your own AWS account. You can run the accompanying front end locally, and sign-in with magic links and FIDO2.
Basic Usage
First, deploy a CDK stack and instantiate the Passwordless
import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { Passwordless } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth/cdk";
class SampleTestStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope?: Construct, id?: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const passwordless = new Passwordless(this, "Passwordless", {
allowedOrigins: [
"http://localhost:5173", // Mention all URLs you're exposing the web app on
magicLink: {
sesFromAddress: "", // must be a verified domain or identity in Amazon SES
fido2: {
allowedRelyingPartyIds: [
"localhost", // Domain names that you wish to use as RP ID
smsOtpStepUp: {}, // leave this out to disable SMS OTP Step Up Auth. Likewise for magicLink and fido2
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "ClientId", {
value: passwordless.userPoolClients!.at(0)!.userPoolClientId,
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "Fido2Url", {
value: passwordless.fido2Api!.url!,
Then, in your web app's entrypoint (e.g. main.tsx
import { Passwordless } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth";
"<AWS region where the CDK stack was deployed to, e.g. eu-west-1>",
"<Cognito User Pool Client ID, one of the outputs of the CDK stack>",
fido2: {
"<The base URL to the FIDO2 API, one of the outputs of the CDK stack>",
debug: console.debug, // Optional: adds logging
Now you're ready to use the library! E.g. in your web app you can do:
import {
} from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth/fido2";
// Register a new credential (e.g. Face ID / Touch) for use with this Relying Party
const { credentialId } = await fido2CreateCredential({
friendlyName: "My iPhone",
// Initiate FIDO2 authentication
const { signedIn, abort } = authenticateWithFido2({ username: "alice" });
const { idToken, accessToken, refreshToken } = await signedIn;
For React we recommend you use the Passwordless hook for all your interactions with the library. E.g. the hook tracks the sign-in status (signInStatus
) and gives easy access to the user's JWTs (tokens
, tokensParsed
To use the React hook, first wrap your app with the Passwordless context provider in your app's entrypoint (e.g. main.tsx
import { PasswordlessContextProvider } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth/react";
<App />
Then, inside your components, use the Passwordless hook:
import { usePasswordless } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth/react";
function MyComponent() {
const { tokensParsed, authenticateWithFido2, signInStatus, lastError, busy } =
if (signInStatus === "NOT_SIGNED_IN" || signInStatus === "SIGNING_IN") {
return (
onSubmit={(event) => {
username: event.currentTarget.username.value,
<input type="submit" disabled={busy} />
{lastError && <p>{lastError.message}</p>}
if (signInStatus !== "SIGNED_IN") {
return <p>One moment please ...</p>;
return <p>Welcome, {tokensParsed?.idToken["cognito:username"]}!</p>;
This solution also includes sample React components, e.g. a prefab sample sign-in page. See examples and documentation here:
This library includes:
- A CDK construct that deploys an Amazon Cognito User Pool with Custom Authorization configured to support the passwordless authentication flows (includes other AWS Services needed, notably DynamoDB and HTTP API).
- Web functions to use in your Web Apps, to help implement the corresponding front-end.
- React and React Native hooks, to make it even easier to use passwordless authentication in React and React Native.
- React prebuilt components that you can drop into your webapp to get started with something that works quickly, as a basis for further development.
Other noteworthy features:
- This library is built from the ground up in plain TypeScript and has very few dependencies besides
. Most batteries are included:- The Magic Link back-end implementation has no dependencies
- The FIDO2 back-end implementation only depends on
- The SMS Step-Up Auth back-end implementation only depends on
- The (plain) Web client implementation has no dependencies
- The React Web client implementation only has a peer dependency on
itself - The React Native client implementation only depends on
- This library is fully compatible with AWS Amplify (JS library,
), however it does not require AWS Amplify. If you just need Auth, this library should be all you need, but you can use AWS Amplify at the same time for any other features (and even for Auth too, as they can co-operate). See Usage with AWS Amplify. - The custom authentication implementations are also exported as separate functions, so you can reuse the code, configure them and tailor them in your own Custom Auth Functions. For example, you can use a custom JavaScript function to generate the HTML and Text contents of the e-mail with the Magic Links.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
Keep Dependencies Up-to-date
This sample solution defines several peer dependencies that you must install yourself (e.g. AWS CDK, React). You must make sure to keep these dependencies updated, to account for any security issues that may be found (and solved) for these dependencies.
Token (JWT) Storage
By default, localStorage
is used to store tokens (JWTs). This is similar to how e.g. AmplifyJS does it, and is subject to the same concerns. You may want to store tokens elsewhere, perhaps in memory only. You can do so by configuring a custom storage class, e.g.:
import { Passwordless } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth";
class MemoryStorage {
constructor() {
this.memory = new Map();
getItem(key) {
return this.memory.get(key);
setItem(key, value) {
this.memory.set(key, value);
removeItem(key) {
..., // other config
storage: new MemoryStorage(),
Other Security Best Practices
This sample solution is secure by default. However, you should consider matching the security posture to your requirements, that might be stricter than the defaults:
- Enable KMS encryption on DynamoDB tables (default: uses DynamoDB default encryption)
- Set CloudWatch log retention in accordance to your requirements (default: logs never expire)
Usage with AWS Amplify
This library by default uses the same token storage as Amplify uses by default, and thus is able to co-exist and co-operate with Amplify. That means that you can use this library to manage authentication, and use Amplify for other operations (e.g. Storage, PubSub).
After the user signed-in with this library, Amplify will recognize that sign-in as if it had managed the sign-in itself.
If you're using Amplify and this library together, you can use the following convenience methods to configure this library from Amplify configuration:
import { Passwordless } from "amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth";
import { Amplify } from "aws-amplify";
// Configure Amplify:
// Next, configure Passwordless from Amplify:
// Or, to be able able to provide additional Passwordless configuration, do:
fido2: {
baseUrl: "...",
Usage in (plain) Web
Usage in React
Usage in React Native
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Who created this library?
The AWS Industries Prototyping team. We created this library initially to use in our own prototypes, that we build for customers. We thought it would benefit many customers, so we decided to spend the effort to open-source it.
Since we use this library ourselves, we'll probably keep it up-to-date and evolve it further. That being said, we consider this sample code: if you use it, be prepared to own your own fork of it.
Why is this on aws-samples
, and not awslabs
Having this repository be on aws-samples
communicates most clearly that it is sample code. Users may run it as-is, but should be prepared to "own" it themselves.
We are considering to move it to awslabs
in the future (which is why we released this under Apache-2.0
license, instead of MIT-0
which is common on aws-samples
How have you tested the security posture of this solution?
If you use this solution, YOU must review it and be your own judge of its security posture.
Having said that, you should know that this solution was written by Amazon Cognito experts from AWS. We have run it through multiple internal reviews. We've used it for several of our projects. Amazon's application security team has reviewed and pentested it.
Can you also support other Infrastructure as Code tools than CDK?
This is currently out of scope, to keep maintenance effort manageable. However we'd like to track such requests: leave us a GitHub issue.
Can you also support other Client technologies such as VueJS, Angular, Ionic, etc?
This is currently out of scope, to keep maintenance effort manageable. However we'd like to track such requests: leave us a GitHub issue.
Can you also support other languages than JavaScript / TypeScript?
This is currently out of scope, to keep maintenance effort manageable. However we'd like to track such requests: leave us a GitHub issue.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.