This package is the home of BuckleScript bindings for the JavaScript service worker API. It is currently in a fairly early stage of development.
Right now, I'm just cranking it out as fast as I can, without a lot of concern about things like good design or testing. Do not be surprised if you find plenty of mistakes.
On the plus side, this is very much an actively maintained project. If you see something, say something, and I'll try to get a fix turned around within a day or two.
on the ReScript Rebrand
I'm ignoring it until things have settled down just a little. After that, I'm thinking I'll fork the project and maintain two versions, just in case some people aren't as willing as I am to upgrade.
npm install bs-service-worker
This is meant to be a tight binding around the JavaScript API, and is intended to feel idiomatic to JavaScript. I don't have an example written yet, but I fully intend to return to this once I've written the app I want to write (which was the reason I'm writing this binding to begin with).
- [X] AbstractWorker
- [x] Cache
- [x] CacheMatchOptions
- [x] CacheDeleteOptions
- [x] CacheKeysOptions
- [x] CacheStorage
- [x] CacheStorageOptions
- [x] Client
- [x] ClientsMatchAllOptions
- [x] Clients
- [X] ContainerRegisterOptions
- [x] ExtendableEvent
- [x] ExtendableMessageEvent
- [x] ExtendableMessageEventOptions
- [x] ExtendableMessageEventSource
- [x] FetchEvent
- [X] InstallEvent
- [X] MessageEvent
- [X] MessagePort
- [ ] NavigationPreloadManager
- [ ] NavigationPreload
- [X] Navigator.serviceWorker (under a type called ServiceWorkerNavigator).
- [X] PromiseRejectionEvent
- [X] PromiseRejectionEventOptions
- [X] PromiseRejectionEventType
- [X] ServiceWorker
- [X] ServiceWorkerContainer
- [X] ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
- [X] ServiceWorkerNotificationOptions
- [X] ServiceWorkerRegistration
- [X] ServiceWorkerState
- [ ] SyncEvent
- [ ] SyncManager
- [X] Worker
- [X] WorkerCredentials
- [X] WorkerOptions
- [X] WorkerType
- [x] WindowClient
on EventTargets
I'm hoping to crack the code for how to perfectly enforce types onto
... someday. I haven't done it yet. For now, stick to the
function-valued properties. Those are typed pretty well.
on NavigationPreloadManager and NavigationPreloadState
My current thinking is to omit NavigationPreloadManager and NavigationPreloadState because they're too dependent on ByteString, and I don't want to expand the scope of my project. If you badly need these types or if you know of a ByteString implementation I could depend on, feel free to open an issue.
on ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
It's not fully implemented because it implements a ton of other interfaces. Fully implementing it is a nice-to-have. If there's something you need from this type that I haven't implemented, feel free to open an issue--it'll help me prioritize.
Also, currently the navigator
property lives in 'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope',
even though technically it's a part of WorkerGlobalScope.
on TODOs
I put in a TODO everyplace where there's a (non-deprecated) method or type I didn't implement, whether or not I had any intention of implementing it. If you go looking for something in here and find a TODO in its place, feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request, or just @ me on Twitter and we can talk about how to get you what you need.
Nullable Properties
I'm realizing I've definitely been playing it fast and loose with getters on properties returning a type instead of an option of a type. I intend to fix that, but that means that for the time being there will be some inconsistentcy within the codebase as to how these are handled.
For further reading
I strongly recommend you check out my catch-all documentation on my projects. It describes how to get in touch with me if you have any questions, how to contribute code, coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities, and more. It will be regularly updated with any information I deem relevant to my side projects.
Most of all, feel free to get in touch! I'm delighted to hear suggestions or field questions.