An MVC framework for Node.js, built on top of Express. Brisk omits most of the platform-specific conventions and returns application development to a more traditional object-oriented structure. Inspired by Backbone.js and using lessons learnt from developing KISSCMS.
At its core it uses a modified version of John Resig’s simple class. This provides class level inheritance and callbacks.
- Auto-routing
- Slim express configuration
- OO architecture
- Clean app folder
Using npm:
npm install brisk
When initializing Brisk the express app is passed as a site module.
var brisk = require("brisk"),
express = require("express");
var modules = {
app : express()
// initialize
brisk.init( modules );
In addition, a number of other modules may be passed that are necessary for the site to function.
For example, modules may also include: db, server, sessions
Following best practices, the expected folder structure is enforcing seperation of concerns using an MVC architecture and looks something like this:
|_ controllers
|_ helpers
|_ models
|_ views
|_ brisk.js
- controllers define the routes for the site
- helpers contains helper routines referenced in controllers
- models describe the data structures
- views hosts a set of html fragments, used to generate the output of the site
The config folder may contain more configuration files, as required, but the config/brisk.js
will be seeked out to overwrite the default configuration.
The config
folder should contain all the site configuration.
Each helper may require their own config file, manually used & independent of brisk, but there are two config files that brisk will automatically try to load:
This is the default configuration of the site, overwriting the config/default.js
values in the node module
This cofiguration file is dedicated to configuring express, which is a core component of Brisk.
Initiated by Makis Tracend (@tracend)
Distributed through
Released under the Apache License, v2.0