
0.6.2 • Public • Published

Example usage with Express:

const Bot = require('botogram');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = require('express')();


let bot = new Bot('<TOKEN>');
let bot2 = new Bot('<TOKEN>');

// there are two ways of handling incoming requests to the bots:'/bot', bot.listen); // this one requires body-parser

// or you can manually pass a body straight into bot's "take" method:'/bot2', (req, res) => {

// listening to all incoming events:
bot.on('*', event => {

// you can set a webhook up if it hasn't done yet
  url: `https://${process.env.IP}/bot`, // url of current machine with open ports
  certificate: 'cert.pem' // it only needs if you want to set a self-signed ssl certificate


Notice that Webhook will only work via HTTPS, so you need to have an SSL-signed url. For more information see this. Example usage with self-signed certificates can be found here.

Event Types and Priority

First Priority Second Priority Third Priority
text, photo, document, audio, sticker, video, voice, contact, location, venue message *
edited_message *
< CUSTOM_COMMAND > command *
callback_query *
inline_query *
chosen_inline_result *

Explanation: if a requested event wasn't defined, a next event will be emitted by priority and so on.

Event Arguments

Every event receives two arguments: the first one is the event body itself, the second one is the next event by priority.

bot.on('text', (message, next) => {

bot.on('message', (message, next) => {

bot.on('*', message => {
  event.echo('A message passed from first to last event priority:', message.text);

Every event body has a simple text echo method which responds to a user with the same event type that came (message => message, callback_query => callback_query, etc.).


Milestones allow you to handle user actions elegantly and respond to them according to their actions. Milestones define the visibility of events and action stages of users. Due to bot.setUserMilestone function, it's possible to convey a user from milestone to milestone.

bot.milestone('action', milestone => {
  milestone.on('text', message => {
    message.echo('A message from action milestone');
  milestone.on('/cancel', message => {
    message.echo('Switching back to source milestone');

bot.on('text', message => {
  message.echo('Source milestone');

bot.on('/action', message => {
  message.echo('Switching to action milestone');

bot.milestones.on('/all', message => {
  message.echo('Works in every milestone');

Source is a name of the main initial milestone. All the events defined via bot.on are events of a source milestone. Events defined via bot.milestones.on will be available from any milestone.


Botogram Methods:

  • on
  • take
  • listen middleware
  • milestone
  • milestones.on
  • setUserMilestone
  • getUserMilestone => String
  • alert => Promise
  • cancelAlert
  • downloadFileById => Promise

Telegram Supported Methods:

  • getMe => Promise
  • setWebhook({ url: String, certificate: 'file_path' || 'url' }) => Promise
  • sendMessage({ chat_id: String || Number, text: String }) => Promise
  • forwardMessage({ chat_id: Number, from_chat_id: Number, message_id: Number }) => Promise
  • sendPhoto({ chat_id: Number, photo: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendAudio({ chat_id: Number, audio: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendDocument({ chat_id: Number, document: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendSticker({ chat_id: Number, sticker: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendVideo({ chat_id: Number, video: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendVoice({ chat_id: Number, voice: 'file_path' || 'url' || 'file_id' || Buffer }) => Promise
  • sendLocation({ chat_id: Number, latitude: Number, longitude: Number }) => Promise
  • sendVenue({ chat_id: Number, latitude: Number, longitude: Number, title: String, address: String }) => Promise
  • sendContact({ chat_id: Number, phone_number: String, first_name: String }) => Promise
  • sendChatAction({ chat_id: Number, action: String }) => Promise
  • getUserProfilePhotos({ user_id: Number }) => Promise
  • getFile({ file_id: String }) => Promise
  • kickChatMember({ chat_id: Number, user_id: Number }) => Promise
  • leaveChat({ chat_id: Number }) => Promise
  • unbanChatMember({ chat_id: Number, user_id: Number }) => Promise
  • getChat({ chat_id: Number }) => Promise
  • getChatAdministrators({ chat_id: Number }) => Promise
  • getChatMembersCount({ chat_id: Number }) => Promise
  • getChatMember({ chat_id: Number, user_id: Number }) => Promise
  • answerCallbackQuery({ callback_query_id: Number }) => Promise
  • editMessageText({ chat_id: Number, message_id: Number, text: String }) => Promise
  • editMessageCaption({ chat_id: Number, message_id: Number, caption: String }) => Promise
  • editMessageReplyMarkup({ chat_id: Number, message_id: Number, reply_markup: Object }) => Promise
  • answerInlineQuery({ inline_query_id: Number, results: [Object] }) => Promise

See The Official Documentation for more information about these methods and how to use them.


Use this method to send a message to all users. Returns promise with an array of results. Note that Telegram API has restrictions sending more than 30 messages per 1 second. For optimal settings see this.

Parameters Type Required Description
chat_ids Array Yes Array of chat ids
text String Yes Text of the message to be sent
bulk Number Optional Chat ids quantity per time. Default: 30, Max: 30, Min: 1
every Number Optional Interval in seconds. Default: 10, Min: 1

Cancels by the cancelAlert method. If this method was invoked, it rejects a promise in alert method with an array of results.


Use this method to download any files by id.

Parameters Type Required Description
file_id String Yes File identifier to download
destination String Yes File system path



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  • dr.virtuozov