What it does
It's a discord and firebase boilerplate (the base code) combined with a really cool command handler and a few extra features
How to setup
let bot = require("bot-cmd")(TOKEN, FIREBASE_TOKEN, OPTIONS)
//no need for bot.on("message", ...)
prefix: "p!", //supports regex
pingHint: "Message to say when bot gets pinged",
errorHint: "Message to say when error occurs"
Basic Usage
bot.cmd("ping", function(msg){ //Use bot.cmd for commands with prefix
bot.cmd("say :str", function(msg, string){ //parameter
bot.cmd("xp", function(msg){
msg.channel.send("Level of user: "+this.user.level)
//"this" is an object containing useful data such as user data
// and guild data
bot.cmd("avatar :user", function(msg, user){
//automatically converts parameter to a user object
msg.channel.send("Couldn't find user")
bot.cmd("total ::int",function(msg, nums){
//:: means a spread parameter (the rest of parameters)
//so "p!total 1 2 3" will make "nums" be [1,2,3]
msg.reply(`The total is ${nums.reduce( (a,b)=>a+b )}`)
bot.cmd(":", function(msg, a){ //: is wildcard: it means any type
//note that wildcards work like the ::
//you can't have anything else after it
//we can use this as a fallback for an invalid command
msg.reply("Invalid command lol")
bot.msg(":int", function(msg, num){ //bot.msg = prefix-less command
//counting command, I'll let you code it yourself!
return true; //returning true will allow other commands to run
//(if there are any other matching commands)
Note: handlers run top-to-bottom,
by default, only the first applicable handler runs per message. Make a handler "transparent" (won't block other handlers) by returning true
bot.cmd("...", function(...){
return true;
You can add your own types using this function:
bot.type(/regexToMatch/, (string, msg) => parseType(string))
refers to an object which contains user
, the userdata (from firebase), guild
(the guilddata from firebase) and member
(guild-specific user data)
any modifications to this
is tied to the message (it will be available to all other handlers for this specific message). This feature can be used to calculate data before a command is ran, instead of calculating it for every command. Example:
bot.msg(":", function(msg){ //for every command used
this.userLevel = this.user.xp / 1000
this.authorIsAdmin = (msg.author.id == "123456789123456789")
return true //If you don't return true no other command handler can run after this one
bot.cmd("ban :user", function(msg, user){ //example command
//ban the user
To install firebase (for user/guild data), run npx bot-i
after having installed this module
Supported types
- an integer (series of digits)
- any number, including decimals
- string (text)
Note: to have spaces in a string when using the command, put the quotes around the string (for example, p!say "hello world"
- a boolean, supports yes/no, true/false, 1/0, but we convert it to a regular boolean for you
- a discord user, or null
if it's invalid
- same as user, except they must be in the guild
- a discord channel, or null
if it's invalid
- a role that's in the server
Extra features
bot.ai(text, channelID): Promise<string>
- Chat AI (install module using npx bot-i
ai: bool, //Use bot.ai?
member: bool, //Use this.member?
user: bool, //Use this.user?
guild: bool, //Use this.guild?
clientOptions: Discord Client Options,
svgProxy: string //https://svg.to.png/convert.png?svgCode=$