Bolide-nuxt-template wants to be an advanced and always up-to-date version of nuxt-community/starter-template, with general purpose utilities and packages from the community (mainly nuxt-community) already installed and configured.
✸ Why this boilerplate?
I've created it because most of the times I was "yarn install"-ing the same packages and configuring the same things over and over again too often for each project. With Bolide, it's everything already packed and ready to go in a few seconds!
- Question-based template options, basic SEO meta tags and package.json generator
- You can automatically choose and install one of the following CSS Frameworks: [Vuetify, Buefy, Element-UI, Bootstrap-Vue, AT-UI, MUSE-UI]
- Auto-install packages
- Shipped with monomer-css, my own CSS atomic framework
- A /utils/config.js file to configure locales and environment-based variable such as Backend APIs URLs
- Installed and already configured vee-validate, nuxt-i18n, @nuxtjs/pwa, @nuxtjs/auth and @nuxtjs/sitemap
Currently, I didn't find anything broken. If you find something wrong, please create a new issue.
✸ How to use
Get this template with:
vue init bitkris-dev/bolide-nuxt-template
☼ Install dependencies:
npm run setup
☼ Check packages distribution with webpack-bundle-analyzer:
npm run analyze
☼ Serve with hot reload:
npm run dev
☼ Generate icons:
Insert .svg files in the /static/img/svg directory and run:
npm run svg
then you can import svg icons with:
import '~/components/icons/icon-name.js'
and use as components with:
<svgicon name="icon-name" />
Build commands
npm run build # API_ENV isn't set
npm run build-staging # API_ENV = 'staging'
npm run build-production # API_ENV = 'production'
Start commands
npm run start # API_ENV isn't set
npm run start-staging # API_ENV = 'staging'
npm run start-production # API_ENV = 'production'
Generate static project commands
npm run generate # API_ENV isn't set
npm run generate-staging # API_ENV = 'staging'
npm run generate-production # API_ENV = 'production'
✸ Docs
For general explanation on how things work, checkout both the Nuxt.js docs and the Nuxt.js starter-template docs, from which this templated forked.
Other docs: