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Block template: React

Step one: copy this template


TL;DR: Run npx create-block-app@latest [your-block-name]

Other templates are available. See npx create-block-app@latest --help

Step two: decide on and build the entity type for your block

A key part of the Block Protocol is the use of types to describe the data your block will work with.

Your block should be associated with an “entity type” which will be used by embedding applications to understand what sorts of entities can be sent to it (e.g. what properties do they have?).

You can create an entity type on — see the docs for a full guide.

Once you have created the type representing the data your block needs, copy its URL for use in the next step.

Step three: update your block's metadata

  1. Change into the folder: cd path/to/your-block-name

  2. Update the blockprotocol metadata object in package.json:

  • set blockEntityType to the URL of the entity type you created in the previous step
  • optionally update additional fields which will be used to identify and describe the block when published:
    • displayName: a friendly display name
    • examples: an array of example data structures your block would accept and use
    • image: a preview image showing your block in action (in place of public/block-preview.png)
    • icon: an icon to be associated with your block (in place of public/omega.svg)
    • name: a slugified name for your block (which may differ to the package name in package.json); it can be defined as blockname or @namespace/blockname, where namespace must be your username on if you intend to publish it there
      • this may either be in the format slug or @namespace/slug where namespace is your username
  1. Run yarn codegen to automatically generate TypeScript types from your block's entity type (you can modify the codegen field to generate code for other types as well)

Step four: write and build your block component

  1. Change into the folder: cd path/to/your-block-name

  2. Write a React component starting in app.tsx. To test it during development:

    • edit dev.tsx to give your block starting properties

    • run the dev server with yarn dev (or npm run dev)

  3. When finished, run yarn build (or npm run build), which:

    • Bundles the component into a single source file
    • Generates a block-metadata.json file which:
      • brings in metadata from the blockprotocol object in package.json you set in step 2
      • lists the externals - libraries the block expects the host app to provide and won't bundle with itself – based on your stated peerDependencies (e.g. "react")

The template uses a helper hook useEntitySubgraph to extract the blockEntity from the provided blockEntitySubgraph.

This hook also returns linkedEntities, which are the links and target entities attached to the entity.

Please see the Block Protocol docs for a fuller explanation of querying, creating and updating entity data from your block.

Please see the React docs for general help with writing React components.

You can format your code using yarn format (or npm run format).

If you want to use environment variables in development, add a .env file in this directory, and then you can access variables defined in it via process.env.VARIABLE_NAME. This is useful for providing a blockProtocolApiKey to MockBlockDock in dev.tsx.

e.g. your .env file might look like this:


and dev.tsx like this:

  return (

Step five: publish your block

Head over to to read instructions on publishing your block.

External Dependencies

The Block Component is self-contained with all of its dependencies bundled with webpack. Any dependencies that will be provided by the embedding app should be added to devDependencies in package.json so they're available during development, and in peerDependencies if the component is to be made available as a library for importing via npm.

In this template, react is added to peerDependencies. It will not be included in the bundle. The version in the embedding application must at least provide the functionality that the block expects the library to have, or else there will be obvious difficulties.


The component can be debugged locally by first starting yarn dev.

Now (using VS Code), go to the Debug tab, select "Launch Chrome" and start the debugger (F5).

You should now be able to set breakpoints and step through the code.

This template was originally adapted from



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