
0.0.6 • Public • Published


Grunt task for converting Sandcastle Documentation to Stache (JSON + markdown)

Table of Contents


  • the task is a default so all you have to do is run grunt.
  • Go into the grunt task (Gruntfile.js) and edit some config options for convert
    • Set the src and dest properties to be the source XML file and the destination JSON
    • NOTE: these files should exist before running, the task will not create the files for you
  • Go into the grunt task (Gruntfile.js) and edit some config options for cash_stache
    • Set the directory where your XML files and html folder will be.
    • Set the name of the folder your html files will be in, default is 'html'
    • Set the destination JSON file.
    • Set whether or not the Url's are included in the XML
    • Set the name of the attribute that contains the Url
    • NOTE: these files should exist before running, the task will not create the files for you.

Class JSON Format

######(Files beginning in T_, generally pages with all information regarding a class)

					"name": "T:Blueshirt.Core.Crm.Panel",
					"summary": "\r\n            Base class to handle interactions for panels.\r\n            ",
					"params": {
						"inheritance": {
							"": "SystemAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_25?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");Object",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Base_BaseComponent.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.BaseAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_26?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");BaseComponent",
							"#": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_27?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");Panel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_AdHocQueryPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_28?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");AdHocQueryPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_BatchEntryPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_29?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");BatchEntryPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_BusinessProcess.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_30?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");BusinessProcess",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_ConstituentPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_31?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");ConstituentPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_EventManagementTemplatesPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_32?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");EventManagementTemplatesPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_EventPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_33?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");EventPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_InformationLibraryPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_34?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");InformationLibraryPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_LocationsPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_35?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");LocationsPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_MajorGivingSetupPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_36?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");MajorGivingSetupPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_MarketingAcknowledgementsPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_37?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");MarketingAcknowledgementsPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_MarketingAcknowledgementTemplatePanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_38?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");MarketingAcknowledgementTemplatePanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_MultiEventPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_39?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");MultiEventPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_PackagesPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_40?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");PackagesPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panels_QueryPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Crm.PanelsAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_41?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");QueryPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_PlanPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_42?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");PlanPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_PledgePanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_43?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");PledgePanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_PledgeSubtypePanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_44?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");PledgeSubtypePanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_ReceiptsPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_45?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");ReceiptsPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_RecurringGiftPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_46?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");RecurringGiftPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_RegistrantPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_47?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");RegistrantPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_RevenueRecordPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_48?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");RevenueRecordPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_SegmentPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_49?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");SegmentPanel",
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_SegmentsPanel.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.CrmAddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_50?cs=.|vb=.|cpp=::|nu=.|fs=.\");SegmentsPanel"
						"lower_syntax_text": "The Panel type exposes the following members.",
						"namespace": {
							"N_Blueshirt_Core_Crm.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Crm"
						"assembly": " Blueshirt.Core (in Blueshirt.Core.dll) Version: 1.0.647.3 (1.0.647.3)",
						"syntax": {
							"C#": "public class Panel : BaseComponent",
							"VB": "Public Class Panel\n\tInherits BaseComponent",
							"C++": "public ref class Panel : public BaseComponent"
						"constructors": {
							"Panel": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel__ctor.htm",
								"description": "Initializes a new instance of the Panel class",
								"public": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
						"methods": {
							"AdditionalDatalistPagesExist": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_AdditionalDatalistPagesExist.htm",
								"description": "\n            Check if additional pages exist for a datalist to load.  If so load the page.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"GetHashCode": {
								"link": "",
								"description": "Serves as a hash function for a particular type.  (Inherited from Object.)",
								"public": "",
								"inherited": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"GetType": {
								"link": "",
								"description": "Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)",
								"public": "",
								"inherited": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"getXDataListColumnValue": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_getXDataListColumnValue.htm",
								"description": "\n            Given the DOM index of a datalist column and the value for that column, return an XPath\n            to append to a datalist XPath for finding that value in the requested column index.\n            \n            No element will be found if the value does not exist in this column.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"getXDiv": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_getXDiv.htm",
								"description": "\n            Given the unique HTML element ids of a dialog and div, return a unique identifier XPath\n            to find the DIV field.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"getXDuplicateSectionDatalistColumnHeaders": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_getXDuplicateSectionDatalistColumnHeaders.htm",
								"description": "\n            XPath to get the TR row of column headers for a section's datalist when multiple sections with matching\n            captions exists for a single panel on different tabs.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"getXPanelHeaderLink<span id=\"LST7F1E7F6D_4\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_4?cs=()|vb=|cpp=()|nu=()|fs=()\");</script>": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_getXPanelHeaderLink.htm",
								"description": "\n            Format an XPath for finding a context link located in the header of a panel.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"GridRowExists(IDictionary<span id=\"LST7F1E7F6D_5\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_5?cs=&lt;|vb=(Of |cpp=&lt;|fs=&lt;'|nu=(\");</script>String, String<span id=\"LST7F1E7F6D_6\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_6?cs=&gt;|vb=)|cpp=&gt;|fs=&gt;|nu=)\");</script>, String)": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_GridRowExists.htm",
								"description": "\n            Check if a grid/datalist row exists.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"SectionDatalistRowExists(IDictionary<span id=\"LST7F1E7F6D_7\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_7?cs=&lt;|vb=(Of |cpp=&lt;|fs=&lt;'|nu=(\");</script>String, String<span id=\"LST7F1E7F6D_8\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LST7F1E7F6D_8?cs=&gt;|vb=)|cpp=&gt;|fs=&gt;|nu=)\");</script>, String)": {
								"link": "M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_SectionDatalistRowExists.htm",
								"description": "\n            Check whether a row exists in a section's datalist.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
						"fields": {

							"getXTabsBar": {
								"link": "F_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel_getXTabsBar.htm",
								"description": "\n            Constant XPath for getting an element that indicates the top Tab bar has loaded an active Tab.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"static": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
						"properties": {
							"Title": {
								"link": "P_Blueshirt_Core_Base_BaseComponent_Title.htm",
								"description": " (Inherited from BaseComponent.)",
								"public": "",
								"inherited": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
						"references": {
							"N_Blueshirt_Core_Crm.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Crm Namespace"

#####Notes on Class JSON Format:

  • All extracted date from the HTML files are inserted into the params object. Some objects already have a param section, but this only contains parameters accepted by methods. It is content extracted from the XML.

  • The name is simply the name of the class. This holds true for any other page for methods, fields, properties, events, overload methods, enumerations, etc.

  • The summary section is the text that appears at the top of the page which describes the class. This exists in other objects as well.

  • The inheritance key marks all information on the Classes Inheritance Heirarchy

    • Each key in inheritance is a link the the class, and each value is the text on the page representing that link
    • A key marked as # means that is the current page and so shouldn't be a link (<a>)
    • Some values may contain HTML code. This is because some text is only populated onLoad() and so the HTML is needed. A list of scripts are included in the output JSON for this purpose.
  • The lower_syntax_text tag is exactly that, the text placed below the Syntax box.

  • Both the namespace and assembly hold the text for this information. The namespace object has a key which is a link to the namespace page.

  • Within the syntax object there are two bits of information to know

    • Each key is a tab within the Syntax section, named for the language that tab represents.
    • Each value is the text within that tab.
  • Next there are the constructors, methods, fields, and properties sections. These are lumped together because they're all formatted similarly.

    • Each key within these sections is the name of an item in that list. For example, "Panel": {} is the name of the constructor for T:Blueshirt.Core.Crm.Panel.
    • Within this object is the link key whose value is the url to the page which coordinates to this object. So M_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel__ctor.htm is a link for the Panel constructor.
    • The description key gives the text in the description column under the respective section for that item. The description for Panel is Initializes a new instance of the Panel class.
    • Each subsequent key is related to the access and/or visibility of the item. So Panel is public. Others can be public, private, static, or inherited. Other items are less important such as declared and notNetfw.
    • It's worth noting that some of the keys of items in the list of methods, fields, properties, or constructors might have HTML in them because there is text that doesn't show until the page is loaded. Similarly to the 3rd bullet point under the inheritance section above.

  • The references section has any references for that class. It is formatted like the inheritance section in that the keys are the links and the value is the text on the page. The reference section exists in many other JSON objects within the file.

  • Not all keys will be present in all objects. Some may not have fields and/or properties. There are many variations.

Method JSON Format

######(Files beginning in M_, generally pages with all information regarding a method)

					"name": "M:Blueshirt.Core.Crm.Panel.getXDataListColumnValue(System.Int32,System.String)",
					"summary": "\r\n            Given the DOM index of a datalist column and the value for that column, return an XPath\r\n            to append to a datalist XPath for finding that value in the requested column index.\r\n            \r\n            No element will be found if the value does not exist in this column.\r\n            ",
					"param": [
							"_": "The DOM index for the TD element representing the desired column.",
							"name": "columnIndex"
							"_": "The value corresponding the provided column.  ",
							"name": "columnValue"
					"params": {
						"syntax": {
							"C#": "public static string getXDataListColumnValue(\n\tint columnIndex,\n\tstring columnValue\n)",
							"VB": "Public Shared Function getXDataListColumnValue ( \n\tcolumnIndex As Integer,\n\tcolumnValue As String\n) As String",
							"C++": "public:\nstatic String^ getXDataListColumnValue(\n\tint columnIndex, \n\tString^ columnValue\n)"
						"arguments": {
							"columnIndex": {
								"type": "&#xA0;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Int32</a>",
								"description": "The DOM index for the TD element representing the desired column."
							"columnValue": {
								"type": "&#xA0;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">String</a>",
								"description": "The value corresponding the provided column.  "
						"return_val": {
							"type": "&#xA0;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">String</a>",
							"description": "[Missing <returns> documentation for \"M:Blueshirt.Core.Crm.Panel.getXDataListColumnValue(System.Int32,System.String)\"]"
						"references": {
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_Panel.htm": "Panel Class",
							"N_Blueshirt_Core_Crm.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Crm Namespace"

#####Notes on Method JSON Format:

  • For information on the name and summary keys, see Class Notes

  • The param key, which many objects that relate to methods will have, holds XML data for parameters accepted by the method. The _ key gives the description for that parameter, and the name key gives the name of the parameter.

  • Next is the params section which all objects will have if there's a matching HTML file. See related info under Class Notes

    • All method pages will have a syntax section marked by the syntax key. See related info under [Class Notes] (#syntaxnote)
    • The arguments key marks an object holding information about every parameter accepted by the method.
      • Each key within arguments is an object itself whose key is the name of the parameter.
        • The type key is the data type of the parameter. These will typically have HTML because they link to external pages, but may also have content that is not added until onLoad(). By simply using the HTML it should be easy to use in any case.
        • The description key is the description of the parameter as it relates to the method's purpose.
    • The return_val key is formatted the same as each argument within the arguments object. See above for information on the format of return_val
    • See Class Notes for more information on the references key.
  • This is the most expanded format for Method pages, not all JSON objects will have return_val and/or arguments sections.

Field JSON Format

######(Files beginning in F_, generally pages with all information regarding a field)

					"name": "F:Blueshirt.Core.Crm.CommitmentsDialog.SupportedAddtionalApplicationsGridFields",
					"summary": "\r\n            Static mapping of supported field captions to CrmField objects encapsulating all relevant variables\r\n            needed to set the field's value.\r\n            ",
					"params": {
						"syntax": {
							"C#": "protected static readonly IDictionary<string, CrmField> SupportedAddtionalApplicationsGridFields",
							"VB": "Protected Shared ReadOnly SupportedAddtionalApplicationsGridFields As IDictionary(Of String, CrmField)",
							"C++": "protected:\nstatic initonly IDictionary<String^, CrmField^>^ SupportedAddtionalApplicationsGridFields"
						"type": "&#xA0;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">IDictionary</a><span id=\"LSTD5D8E5A6_1\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LSTD5D8E5A6_1?cs=&lt;|vb=(Of |cpp=&lt;|fs=&lt;'|nu=(\");</script><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">String</a>, <a href=\"T_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField.htm\">CrmField</a><span id=\"LSTD5D8E5A6_2\"></span><script type=\"text/javascript\">AddLanguageSpecificTextSet(\"LSTD5D8E5A6_2?cs=&gt;|vb=)|cpp=&gt;|fs=&gt;|nu=)\");</script>",
						"references": {
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Crm_CommitmentsDialog.htm": "CommitmentsDialog Class",
							"N_Blueshirt_Core_Crm.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Crm Namespace"

#####Notes on Field JSON Format:

  • For information on the name and summary keys, see Class Notes

  • Next is the params section which all objects will have if there's a matching HTML file. See related info under Class Notes

    • All method pages will have a syntax section marked by the syntax key. See related info under Class Notes
    • The type key is similar to the type key in the arguments object of a Method (M_) page. See Method Notes for a complete description.
    • See Class Notes for more information on the references key.
  • This is the most complete JSON for a Field page. Others may not have HTML in the type key.

Property JSON Format

######(Files beginning in P_, generally pages with all information regarding a Property)

  • To prevent redundancy, the format of the JSON is identical to the format of Field JSON objects. See Field Notes for information on this format.

Event JSON Format

######(Files beginning in Event_, generally pages with all information regarding a Event)

  • An exception to consider with Events is that it can take arguments because they are methods.

  • To prevent redundancy, the format of the JSON is identical to the format of Method JSON objects. See Method Notes for information on this format.

Listed Method/Properties/Fields/Namespace/Events/etc. JSON Format

######(Files beginning in Methods_ , Properties_ , Fields_ , Events_ , Overload_ , N_ , or R_ . Generally pages that have a listing as it relates to the parent Class or Namespace. So Properties_T_Blackbaud_UAT_Base_BaseComponent would list all properties of the class Blackbaud_UAT_Base_BaseComponent and likewise for any of the other files. the N_ and R_ files are differen in that the N_ files list all classes under that namespace and the R_ file lists all namespaces under the API)

					"name": "Fields_T_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField",
					"params": {
						"summary": "The CrmField type exposes the following members.",
						"Fields": {
							"CellType": {
								"link": "F_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField_CellType.htm",
								"description": "\n            The type of field.  Used to associate the field with a setter utility method.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"Id": {
								"link": "F_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField_Id.htm",
								"description": "\n            The unique Id contained in the id attribute.\n            i.e. '_CONSTITUENTID_value'\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"SearchDialogFieldId": {
								"link": "F_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField_SearchDialogFieldId.htm",
								"description": "\n            The unique id of the search dialog field that would appear upon clicking the search icon of\n            the associated grid cell.\n            i.e. 'COMBINEDSEARCH'\n            Used for fields associated with 'BatchGridCellType.Searchlist'.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
							"SearchDialogId": {
								"link": "F_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField_SearchDialogId.htm",
								"description": "\n            The unique id of the search dialog that would appear upon clicking the search icon of\n            the associated grid cell.\n            i.e. 'DesignationSearch'\n            Used for fields associated with 'BatchGridCellType.Searchlist'.\n            ",
								"public": "",
								"declared": "",
								"notNetfw": ""
						"See Also": {},
						"references": {
							"T_Blueshirt_Core_Base_CrmField.htm": "CrmField Class",
							"N_Blueshirt_Core_Base.htm": "Blueshirt.Core.Base Namespace"

#####Notes on Listed JSON Format:

  • For information on the name and summary keys, see Class Notes

    • Note that the summary key here is within the params object because it is not already pre-existing in the XML which is how other summary keys are populated.
  • The Listings are formatted the same as any of the methods, fields, constructors, or properties keys in Class Notes. The key of these listings, here it is "Fields": {}, is determined by the title above the collapsible region on the HTML page. See Class Notes for detailed information about the format of each object within this listing.

    • This format is the same for every Listed JSON, with the exception being the key will be named differently. For example, if the page lists all the Events than the key will be Events.
  • The See Also key is not of any importance.

  • See Class Notes for more information on the references key.

Miscellaneous Information

Notes about the output for this tool and other tidbits that might of interest to users
  • More recent SandCastle output is recursive so this format will still stand, but there will be some nested formats within other formats. So, an object for a class might also have an object for a Method page within it which then might have an object for a Field within it. The information and the keys mentioned above will still stand, but it's important to know that this README is more of a guide than a one-to-one match up of all possible output.

  • There are a few other keys worth mentioning, although it should be taken with a grain of salt. Sandcastle is expected to have standard output, but that's not always the case, so these keys might not always be present or might be named differently. Regardless, these are typical keys for the more recent recursive files:

"Id": "e9717ec2-a1d5-4994-be73-665f6abedc02",
"Title": "BatchDialog Fields",
"Url": "html/Fields_T_Blackbaud_UAT_Core_Crm_BatchDialog.htm"
  • The Id key is a guid.

  • The Title key is the title which appears at the top of webpage.

  • The Url key holds the url for the HTML file related to the object.

  • Other information will be added as necessary.




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