
0.4.4 • Public • Published


Get started building Bitbucket Connect add-ons with the bitbucket-connect scaffolding tool.


  1. Install ngrok and configure it to serve port 3000 (ngrok 3000)

Quick start

npm install -g bitbucket-connect

Generate scaffolding for your project:


Install your project's dependencies and create a test database:

cd <project dir>
npm install
npm run migrate

Run your app using your ngrok URL and OAuth consumer key:

CONNECT_BASE_URL=<ngrok url> npm run start

Registering a Connect module

You'll want to configure your add-on so that you can start displaying custom content inside of Bitbucket. First create a new file to serve as the template at server/views/hello.jade with the following contents:

extends base.jade

block content
  p #{message}

Now let's open server/routes.js and add a route handler to serve some content:

export function helloWorld(req, res) {
  res.render('hello', { message: 'Hello, world!' });

Next, let's open server/addon.js and register a web panel, binding it to our route handler we just added.

First, import the new route handler you just created:

import { helloWorld } from './routes';

Then, register your web panel just before the export default addon; line:

addon.registerWebPanelRoute('/hello-world', {
}, helloWorld);

That's it! With these small additions to your add-on, you're now able to display custom content on the overview page for any repository owned by users of your add-on.

Installing your add-on

Let's install your add-on by going to Bitbucket, clicking our avatar in the top-right, selecting Bitbucket settings, then selecting Manage add-ons in the left sidebar and clicking Install add-on from URL.

Your add-on's descriptor is located at <ngrok url>/descriptor.json. Enter the descriptor URL in the text field and click "Install". You will be prompted to grant the add-on access to your account. Once granted, the add-on will be installed.

Go to the overview of one of your repositories to see your add-on in action!

HTTP client

It is possible to make server-side calls back to the Bitbucket API. First, in addon.js pass the addon to a handler factory function...


Then in routes.js define that handler factory method with API calls back to bitbucket...

export function createFileViewHandler(addon) {
  return (req, res) => {
    const httpClient = req.createHttpClient(addon);
    const { repoUuid, fileCset, filePath } = req.query;
    const url = `/api/1.0/repositories/{}/${repoUuid}/raw/${fileCset}/${filePath}`;
    httpClient.get(url).then(apiRes => {
      const content = transformRawSource(;
      res.render('base', { content });


Addon class

constructor(props[, options])

Create an instance of a Bitbucket Connect add-on

  • props (Object) - Connect descriptor properties
  • [options] (Object) - Options hash for add-on instance
    • options.logger (Function) - Custom logger function


Validate and add contexts to add-on descriptor

  • contexts (Array) - Array of contexts to be added

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add API scopes to add-on descriptor

  • scopes (Array) - Array of API scopes to be added

Returns the current add-on instance

registerLifecycle(lifecycle, url)

Validate and add a lifecycle hook to add-on descriptor

  • lifecycle (string) - Lifecycle hook name to be added
  • url (string) - URL the lifecycle hook should POST to

Returns the current add-on instance

registerModule(type, props)

Validate and add a module definition to add-on descriptor

This method is primarily used to assist other proxy methods in registering different types of modules

  • type (string) - Type of module being registered (webItem, repoPage, etc.)
  • props (Object) - Properties of module, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add adminPage to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of adminPage, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add configurePage to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of configurePage, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add fileViews to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of fileViews, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add oauthConsumer to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of oauthConsumer, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add profileTab to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of profileTab, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add repoPage to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of repoPage, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add webItem to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of webItem, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add webPanel to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of webPanel, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Validate and add webhooks to add-on descriptor

  • props (Object) - Properties of webhooks, as defined by Connect spec

Returns the current add-on instance


Log message through either custom logger (if defined) or console.log

  • msg (string) - Message to log

Returns the current add-on instance


Get property value from add-on descriptor

  • key (string) - The key of the property to fetch

Returns the value of the requested property

set(key, value)

Set property value on add-on descriptor

  • key (string) - The key of the property to set
  • value (*) - the value of the property to set

Returns the current add-on instance

ExpressAddon class

Class representing an Express Bitbucket Connect add-on

The primary purpose of this class is to define an API for binding Connect modules to Express route handlers

constructor(props[, options])

Create an instance of an Express Bitbucket Connect add-on

  • props (Object) - Connect descriptor properties
  • [options] (Object) - Options hash for Express Bitbucket Connect add-on
    • options.logger (Function) - Custom logger function
    • options.routerBaseUrl (string) - The add-on's mount point in your Express app
    • options.middleware (Array) - Array of Express middleware for authenticated routes

registerLifecycleRoute(url, lifecycle, ...handlers)

Bind lifecycle hook to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for lifecycle hook to POST to
  • lifecycle (string) - Name of lifecycle hook, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that receive hook

Returns the current add-on instance

registerAdminPageRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind adminPage module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of adminPage, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerConfigurePageRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind configurePage module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of configurePage, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerFileViewsRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind fileViews module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of fileViews, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerProfileTabRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind profileTab module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of profileTab, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerRepoPageRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind repoPage module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of repoPage, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerWebItemRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind webItem module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of webItem, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerWebPanelRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind webPanel module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for module
  • props (Object) - Properties of webPanel, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that serve module

Returns the current add-on instance

registerWebhooksRoute(url, props, ...handlers)

Bind webhooks module to Express route handler

  • url (string) - Express URL for hook to POST to
  • props (Object) - Properties of webhooks, as defined by Connect spec
  • ...handlers (Function) - Express route handlers that receive the hook

Returns the current add-on instance

generateModuleProps(url, props[, keyPrefix])

Generate module properties object with auto-generated URL and key values based on arguments

  • url (string) - Express URL pattern
  • props (Object) - Connect module properties
  • [keyPrefix] (string) - Prefix for module keys in Connect descriptor

Returns the generated set of properties for the Connect module

validateJwtToken middleware

Express middleware generator used to validate JWT token

  • getSharedSecret (Function) - Promise-returning function to retrieve shared secret. Accepts client key as its only argument.

Returns Express middleware function

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