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BioCider: a Contextualisation InDEx for biological Resources discovery


Contextualised visualisation of ELIXIR training materials, events and computing tools in a unique list.

Purpose of this widget is to show the user, without any direct action by himself, information of his interest related with the content that is being shown currently to him .

To achieve this, we collect in a Solr system information of different repositories (Elixir Service Registry, Elixir Training Portal, and Elixir Events Portal, until now), so we can search into this information which is related with content accesed by user.

BioCider structure

BioCider consists of 3 different subcomponents that work together:

  1. ContextDataList. Is the main subcomponent and responsable of showing the information. Comprises some different javascript classes.
  2. ButtonsManager. It allows filtering contents by its type.
  3. PageManager. It allows navigating by all results.

Including BioCider in your site

Installing procedure...

... as a BioJS component (the most frequent)

BioCider uses npm as package manager. If you already have it, to download BioCider you only need to execute

npm install biocider

And then use require function into your javascript code to import BioCider component:

var BioCider = require('biocider');

Next steps on this guide frequently will do reference to this kind of installation.

... as a normal javascript library

If you don't need to use BioCider as a BioJS component, you can download some of its files and use it as a normal javascript library. To do this, download the entire build folder and include biocider.js and bundle.css files in your HTML:

<link href="build/css/bundle.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="build/biocider.js"></script>

... as a Drupal library

You can also use BioCider as a Drupal library (tested on Drupal 7). In order to do that, you must:

  1. Upload the build folder into the sites/all/libraries directory and change its name to a more proper one (ex. biocider).
  2. Create a Drupal block with text format set to PHP Code.
  3. Introduce a similar code to this in order to import properly javascript and css files:
$sLibraryPath = libraries_get_path('biocider');      
drupal_add_css($sLibraryPath . '/css/bundle.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'file'));
drupal_add_js($sLibraryPath . '/biocider.js');
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function () { 
    -- normal component initialization --

Starting (as a BioJS component)

BioCider adopts the appeareance of the main page in which it will be embedded, but it needs a minimum set of its own styles in order to be shown properly.

So, first of all, in your html file you will need to include a reference to its css file:

<link href="../css/common.css" rel="stylesheet">

Secondly, into the body tag you will need two mandatory fields in order to give the minimum working information to BioCider:

  1. The container of the main text that BioCider will use to search and retrieve related and significant information.
  2. BioCider container itself.

One example of them could be:

<div class="userTextContainer"></div>
<div id="snippetDiv"> </div>

Both of them can have different attributes that we will describe later.

Component initialization

To initialize BioCider, you only need to implement these easy steps:

  • Include biocider.js javascript library.
  • Obtain BioCider object with require instruction.
  • Create the new BioCider object with the proper parameters.
  • Execute its draw() function.

This could be an example of a basic BioCider initialization:

<script src="../build/biocider.js"></script>
BioCider = require("biocider");
var bioCiderInstance = new BioCider('snippetDiv',{'userTextClassContainer':'userTextContainer'},{},{});

Component parameters

BioCider supports many different initialization options, many of them are containe into single objects oriented to contain information to specific BioCider subcomponents.

There are 4 different main parameters:

  1. BioCider main container id (mandatory).
  2. ContextDataList parameters object. You should provide a valid reference to the user's text container, providing userTextIdContainer, userTextClassContainer or userTextTagContainer values.
  3. ButtonsManager parameters object.
  4. PageManager parameters object.

In a schematic way:

new BioCider(id_biocider_container,{[ContextDataListParameter1: ContextDataListValue1,...]},{[ButtonsManagerParameter1: ButtonsManagerValue1,...]},{[PageManagerParameter1: PageManagerValue1,...]});

ContextDataList parameters

  • targetId: Identifier of the container where the ContextDataList object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put ContextDataList into a different container than BioCider main container.
  • targetClass: Class name of the container where the ContextDataList object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put ContextDataList into a different container than BioCider main container.
  • displayStyle: Type of rows visualisation. This can take 2 discrete values: ContextDataList.FULL_STYLE or ContextDataList.COMMON_STYLE. ContextDataList.FULL_STYLE by default.
  • userTextIdContainer: Tag id that contains user's text to search.
  • userTextClassContainer: Class name that contains user's text to search. It's not used if userTextIdContainer is defined.
  • userTextTagContainer: Tag name that contains user's text to search. It is one stablished tag name, for example h1. It's not used if userTextIdContainer or userTextClassContainer is defined.
  • userKeywordsIdContainer: Tag id of the HTML component that contains user's keywords to improve search results.
  • userKeywordsClassContainer: Class name of the HTML component that contains user's keywords to improve search results. It's not used if userKeywordsIdContainer is defined.
  • userKeywordsTagContainer: Tag name of the HTML component that contains user's keywords to improve search results. It's not used if userKeywordsIdContainer or userKeywordsClassContainer is defined.
  • userKeywordsContainer: The HTML object that contains user's keywords to improve search results. It's not used if userKeywordsIdContainer, userKeywordsClassContainer or userKeywordsTagContainer.
  • userDescriptionClassContainer: Class name that contains user's description to help filter same results that user is seeing.
  • userHelpClassContainer: Class name that will contain help icon.
  • numberResults: Integer that restricts the results number that should be shown.

ButtonsManager parameters

  • targetId: Identifier of the container where the ButtonsManager object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put ButtonsManager into a different container than BioCider main container.
  • targetClass: Class name of the container where the ButtonsManager object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put ButtonsManager into a different container than BioCider main container.
  • helpText: boolean, true if you want to show a help text over the buttons. true by default.
  • buttonsStyle: Buttons visualisation type. This can take 3 discrete values: SQUARED_3D , ROUND_FLAT or ICONS_ONLY. ICONS_ONLY by default.
  • pressedUnderlines: boolean, true if you want to show underlines when you press a button. true by default.

PageManager parameters

  • targetId: Identifier of the container where the PageManager object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put PageManager into a different container than BioCider main container.
  • targetClass: Class name of the container where the PageManager object should be displayed. Useful if you want to put PageManager into a different container than BioCider main container.


Using keywords

One common use case is when you have a div with the text to analyse, but results are not as relevant as desired (maybe because that text is not enough significant, too short, etc.). However, your content is also labeled properly and it would be great if you could reuse those labels in order to improve your results: this is entirely possible and easy to do.

If we have an HTML file like this:

<div>Title: </div>
<div class="userTextContainer">Bioinformatics</div>
<div>Keywords: </div>
<div class="userKeywordsContainer"><ul><li>Sequencing</li><li>ngs</li></ul></div>

<div id="containerDiv"></div>

We could initialise our component using keywords as easy as:

var bioCiderInstance = new BioCider('containerDiv',{'userTextClassContainer':'userTextContainer','userKeywordsClassContainer':'userKeywordsContainer'},{},{});

BioCider internally removes all HTML stuff from keywords container and it will only use relevant words for its searchs.

Dividing BioCider

BioCider is highly configurable, and it allows even put its internal components in different places. This can be useful if you don't like its default structure and/or you prefer to show it in a total different way.

For example, if we want to put BioCider control panel at the top of the page, but results panel must be kept on the lower area, we could have an HTML like:

<div id="biociderButtonsContainerDiv"></div>
<div id="biociderPageManagerContainerDiv"></div>

<div>Title: </div>
<div class="userTextContainer">Bioinformatics</div>

<!-- other page content -->

<div id="biociderMainContainerDiv"></div>

To initialise BioCider using these custom structures, we could initialise it in this way:

var bioCiderInstance = new BioCider('biociderMainContainerDiv',{'userTextClassContainer':'userTextContainer'},{'targetId':'biociderButtonsContainerDiv'},{'targetId':'biociderPageManagerContainerDiv'});

Using BioCider

BioCider is intended to show relevant information related with the topic read by the user in that moment. Because of that, BioCider gives better information in pages about one specific issue, instead of pages with multiple entries or topics.

Moreover, if your results are too similar, you can try to give BioCider extra information like keywords in order to differenciate them as much as possible.

BioCider structure

BioCider interface consists of two main areas:

  1. Control panel (at the top).
  2. Results viewer.

Control panel

On one hand, BioCider control panel allows you to change the type of the results that should be shown. These types are:

  • Databases
  • Events
  • Tools
  • Training materials

By default, BioCider shows all of them, but anytime you can uncheck any of them to see only results type of your interest.

On the other hand, the control panel allows you to navigate into all results related with the page main content. They are sorted by relevance, so first results should be more relevant than later ones; but you can see them by clicking on 'Next' button.

Control panel aspect can be customised in different ways with parameters like buttonsStyle or pressedUnderlines.

Results viewer

This panel show results in different ways depending on the value of displayStyle ContextDataList parameter.

  • ContextDataList.COMMON_STYLE shows only basic information shared among all different data sources.
  • ContextDataList.FULL_STYLE (used by default) shows also specific information of each data source. This style will be explained below.

ContextDataList.FULL_STYLE shows results in two columns: the right one shows an icon representing the result resource type (in correspondence with the same button filters of the control panel), and the left one shows detailed content information:

  1. Title: the result title with a link to the original resource. It also shows a special icon if this link targets to an external site (most frequent).
  2. Topics: EDAM tags that categorises the content.
  3. More link: many resources offer different types of extra information, and this expandable link can show and hide it. Events usually show dates and location of the event, whilst others often provide detailed descriptions.

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npm i biocider

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  • carlos.horro