

1.0.3 • Public • Published


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BigFX is a JavaScript decimal fixed-point number library with unlimited size, based on the native BigInt. It supports up to 15 digits of fractional precision, and is internally stored as a BigInt scaled by a factor of 1e+15. BigFX can work on both Node.js and the browser.


Using NPM:

npm install bigfx

On the browser:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


var BigFX = require("bigfx");
console.log(new BigFX(36.9).add(45).mul(94).toFixed(6)); // 7698.600000
console.log(new BigFX(9007199254740991n).add(2).toString()); // 9007199254740993
console.log(BigFX.PI.neg().cos().toString()); // -1


  • constructor() - Creates a BigFX object equal to 0
  • constructor(number) - Creates a BigFX object from a number (precision may be lost)
  • constructor(bigint) - Creates a BigFX object from a BigInt
  • constructor(bigfx) - Creates a BigFX object from another BigFX object
  • clone() - Returns a clone of a BigFX object
  • neg() - Returns negation of a BigFX object
  • add(other) - Returns addition of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • sub(other) - Returns subtraction of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • mul(other) - Returns multiplication of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • div(other) - Returns division of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • mod(other) - Returns modulo of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • and(other) - Returns bitwise AND of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed, only works if both arguments are integers)
  • or(other) - Returns bitwise OR of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed, only works if both arguments are integers)
  • xor(other) - Returns bitwise XOR of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed, only works if both arguments are integers)
  • shl(other) - Returns left-shift of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed, only works if other is an integer)
  • shr(other) - Returns right-shift of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed, only works if other is an integer)
  • exp() - Returns e raised to the power of a BigFX object
  • log() - Returns natural logarithm of a BigFX object
  • pow(other) - Returns exponentiation of two BigFX objects (converts other if needed)
  • sqrt() - Returns the square root of a BigFX object
  • sin() - Returns the sine of a BigFX object
  • cos() - Returns the cosine of a BigFX object
  • tan() - Returns the tangent of a BigFX object
  • lt(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is less than another BigFX object
  • le(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is less than or equal to another BigFX object
  • gt(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is greater than another BigFX object
  • ge(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is greater than or equal to another BigFX object
  • eq(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is equal to another BigFX object
  • ne(other) - Checks if a BigFX object is not equal to another BigFX object
  • toNumber() - Converts a BigFX object to a number
  • toBigInt() - Converts a BigFX object to a BigInt
  • toScaledBigInt() - Converts a BigFX object to a BigInt scaled up by a factor of 1e+15 (the internal representation)
  • toString(radix = 10)- Converts a BigFX object to a string in the specified radix
  • toFixed(fractionDigits = 0)- Converts a BigFX object to a string with the specified number of fraction digits
  • toExponential()- Converts a BigFX object to a string in scientific notation format
  • static ZERO- A BigFX object with a value of 0
  • static ONE- A BigFX object with a value of 1
  • static PI- A BigFX object with a value of π
  • static E- A BigFX object with a value of e
  • static random()- Creates a BigFX object with a pseudo-random value between 0 and 1




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