
1.3.7 • Public • Published


A framework for building Raspberry Pi applications with a web browser interface.

The applications you build with berry-frame are called berries.


If you write applications for small embedded computers like the Raspberry Pi you will quickly notice that more than 70% of your program code does not really deal with the application logic itself but with technical issues like accessing a certain device or handling communication between your Raspi and a web client.

berry-frame offers a way to separate all this generic technical stuff from the core application logic. The framework has a server part running under node.js on the Raspberry Pi and a client part running within the browser. The server part includes a http service listening at a configurable port. The server establishes web socket connections to the clients and it also offers a REST-like API.

berry-frame can be installed on a Raspberry Pi and on other operating systems like Windows. When installed on a platform which does not have GPIOs the server part will use some (minimalistic) emulation for missing hardware peripherals.

berry-frame is not a "graphical tool for drawing your programming logic".

berry-frame expects a structured description of your hardware peripherals in JSON-syntax ('HWD') based on a defined grammar. The HWD notation also defines some standard rules for visual representation of hardware elements in the browser UI and for the general flow of information between UI elements and hardware devices connected to the Raspi´s GPIO ports (or being emulated).

As soon as things get more complex, you will have to provide some Javascript code (preferibly ES6 standard) to describe the logic of your application (sitting on the server). If you want to customize the UI you can also add code and resource files to the client side.


berry-frame was written as a platform for teaching students the basics of programming embedded systems. It was designed to hide a lot of technical issues so that the students could concentrate on the essentials of application development.

The traditional way of embedded systems development with languages like C (possibly C++), snippets of assembler code and maybe even with in-circuit emulators is quite hard. Especially when it comes to display control a lot of boring yet necessary code has to be written.

Why not use a generic (touch) screen and let the browser do the rendering work? Or just have NO local screen hardware at all? If we can manage a good connection to a mobile device this could be not only sufficient but also attractive to the user!

The Raspi offers a powerful and cheap platform with enough resources for interpreted languages and their needs of memory and CPU power. A Raspi can easily control GPIO hardware (SPI, I²C), handle a web server, run the application and run a browser (for a local UI) at the same time.

With the availability of drivers for GPIO access in Javascript it became possible to combine hardware access, application logic and a web front end more elegantly than ever. Using the same language on client and server is an extra advantage.

Experts will understand that this approach is not suitable for extremely time-critical tasks, for hard realtime requirements and for cheap mass production (which even may use FPGAs these days ..). But it turns out that the overall performance and elegance of this approach is often absolutely sufficient for building valuable real-world applications.


The Hello berry

There is a demo website which shows a berry called "Hello". The Hello berry consists of a LED and a push button. The LED will be ON while you hold the button down and it will go OFF when you release it. The Hello berry is so simple that it only needs a hardware description file (Hello.hwd) and no additional Javascript code on the server or on the client.

Try the Hello berry :

The web UI contains a link to the HWD file so that you can see what was needed to build this berry.

The Dimmer berry

A slightly more complex example is the Dimmer berry. It also consists of a LED and a push button. Holding the button down, however, changes the brightness of the LED continuously, a short tap will toggle between OFF and the last brightness level; a double tap will switch to maximum brightness immediately.

Try the Dimmer berry :

This time we needed to add our own server-side class ("Dimmer.js") which provides the specific application logic. The UI has a link to show its source code.

More berries in the shop ..

A collection of freely available berries can be found under

Once you have installed berry-frame you can install a berry from the shop by typing at the command line berry -i berryNameFromShop.


Change to the home directory of your project. We will call this directory BERRY_HOME from now on.

In BERRY_HOME use npm to install berry-frame:

npm install berry-frame

If you are on Windows: Copy the script node_modules\berry-frame\bin\berry.bat to BERRY_HOME.

If you are on the Raspberry Pi: Copy node_modules/berry-frame/bin/berry to BERRY_HOME and make it executable. Also call sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev because its header file will be needed during the Raspi-specific second installation step.

Now call berry (or ./berry on the Raspi) to check if the installation works. You should see a syntax help on how to start a berry. On the Raspi the very first call will load additional hardware specific modules via npm to complete the installation. Be patient, this will take some time. If you then call ./berry a second time it will show only the syntax help and it will complain about a missing argument (the type of the berry to start).

Instead of using the berry script you can also write a file named Berry.js with the following code:


In that case you would call berry-frame via node Berry (args...) and you can add your own code before the require statement.

Depending on the degree of automation you want, some more steps may be desirable to ..

  • .. start berry-frame and your berry directly after the Raspberry Pi has booted,
  • .. start a watch dog process (monitor) which will restart your berry if something went wrong
  • .. start a Master berry which registers running berries and facilitates interaction between them
  • .. start a background process which will reconnect WiFi in case the connection was lost

The online manual will tell you how to do this. For the moment we skip these steps.

Install a sample berry

Call berry -i Hello or unzip node_modules/berry-frame/sample berries/ into BERRY_HOME.

The directory tree of a typical installation will then look like this:

(development root)
    berry                       (Unix, executable)
    berry.bat                   (Windows)
        ...                     (other modules)
        berry-frame             (the __berry-frame__ module)
            ...                 (.. with all its files)
        ...                     (other modules)
        ...                     (log files for running berries and monitor) 
    Hello                       (your _berry_)
        audio                   (media resources for client and server)
        img                     (images for the web client)
        server                  (server resources of your _berry_)
            Hello.hwd           (JSON hardware description of your _berry_)
            Hello.js            (optional javascript source for your _berry_)

Starting a berry

Now let us start the server for the Hello berry like this:

./berry Hello > Hello/Hello.log 2>Hello/Hello.err & or ./berry Hello -l1

The first call is for production use of your berry. It redirects stdout and stderr to files and executes the server in the background (under Windows you would use start berry Hello ...).

The second call is for development and testing; it adds a parameter "l" with the value 1, which increases the log level to show more details about the communication that will be happening between server and client(s). When you run your berry in production you should avoid this option as it may slow down your application and will potentially produce a lot of output.

Open the browser on your machine with http://localhost:9001 and you should see the web user interface.

Online Manual

The Online Manual contains more details about berry-frame and some hints on how to design your own berries.

To access the online manual click on the red raspberry icon in the top left corner of the web UI.

The manual is written in markdown syntax and can be found under node_modules/berry-frame/client/readme.html.

License: ISC


Gero Scholz (

Contact me if you want to contribute.

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