Simple PubSub / Observers / Functional Reactive Programming for object properties using ECMA5 getters/setters.
Still very much a work in progress.
var obj =one: 1two: 2arr: 123;var beholden =;console// 'One', 'two'var beholder =;objarr;objone = 'one'// arr 4// one 'one'// onetwo 'oneTwo'
Public API
- thing (required): Object, or Function that is the target. See separate descriptions below.
Tracks values on the object. Returns a Beholden, described below.
How different value types are tracked
- Primitives (Boolean, String, Number, etc) are given regular getters/setters.
- Arrays' mutator methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, reverse, sort, splice) are enhanced such that they will trigger subscription updates.
- Objects are not currently recursed into.
- Functions are ignored. If you want a 'reactive expression' that tracks the value of beholden values that a function touches, you can call behold(fn) and it will return a 'Beholder' (described below) whose 'value' property will always reflect the current result of the expression fn.
Tracks an expression for the function given. Returns a Beholder, described below.
A Beholden encapsulates an object whose non-function properties are being observed and are subscribable.
beholden.subscribe(propertyName, fn)
- propertyName (required): String, name of the property to listen to
- fn (required): Function called with (newValue) arguments when value changes.
Subscribed functions are called after the callstack clears.
Returns the Beholden.
- updateObj (required): Object, whose properties will be transfered over to the target object.
If the target object lacks values from the update Object, they will be created as observable properties.
Returns the Beholden.
A Beholder watches an expression for observable values accessed from objects tracked via behold(obj) and provides a way to subscribe to the changed result.
- fn (required): Function called with (newValue) argument when the values tracked by the original tracked expression change.
Subscribed functions are called after the callstack clears.
Returns the Beholder.
Issues / Problems / Roadmap
- Requires ECMA5, so it'll work in IE9+ but not older.
- Will transform all enumerable properties on the object, ownProperty or not.
- Array#length is not subscribable.
- Roadmap: will recurse into object values on the target object
Inspired by working with Knockout, but realizing I wanted something much smaller in scope and functionality, and without all the function calls.