search bandcamp using nodejs
npm install bc-search
The interesting bits of this module are the path and user agent.
They were found by using Bandcamp's Android app with a proxied Wi-Fi connection.
the package returns a function. the returned function returns a https request options object when called. use http/https module to do actual request and callback logging.
see example...
var search = require('bc-search')
https.request(search("hello i am keywords"), callback).end()
var http =var search ={http}
each results
hit is of the form:
url: 'https://sincerelyjohn.bandcamp.com/track/funky-music-featuring-mc' weight: 0 band_id: 3070742134 name: 'Funky Music featuring MC' img: 'https://f1.bcbits.com/img/a3657732646_3.jpg' band_name: 'Sincerely, John' part: 't' id: 2981519852 album_name: 'Human Theory the Album' score: -4075 type: 't' img_id: null art_id: 3657732646 album_id: 2271697086 bias: 1